Public and Federal Tenders Federal University opens selection process for professors with a salary of R$4.485,18 to work 40 hours a week Valdemar Medeiros 27/09/2024 às 10:51
Courses Study at a Federal University WITHOUT NEEDING AN EXAM! UFMA opens 491 vacancies in 62 undergraduate courses Alisson Ficher 25/09/2024 às 23:09
Courses UFMA opens MANY vacancies in free specialization courses in Libras, Literature, Portuguese and others Deborah Araújo 07/08/2024 às 07:26
Courses Do you want to study at UFMA for free, without leaving home and still earn a CERTIFICATE? UFMA Virtual offers 500 places in a free 100% online course in the technology area Valdemar Medeiros 16/07/2024 às 08:12
Courses UFMA opens 10 places in free online courses entitled to a certificate Valdemar Medeiros 13/07/2023 às 12:34
Public and Federal Tenders UFMA's unmissable public tender offers vacancies for middle and higher levels with salaries of up to R$ 4.180,66 Valdemar Medeiros 10/04/2023 às 18:48
Courses UFMA opens 478 vacancies in free online courses in the distance learning modality Valdemar Medeiros 08/02/2023 às 15:45
Courses UFMA opens 10 places in free online and distance learning courses with guaranteed certificate Valdemar Medeiros 03/01/2023 às 15:43
Public and Federal Tenders Federal University of Maranhão opens public competition to fill vacancies in middle and higher level positions Valdemar Medeiros 27/03/2022 às 17:11
Courses UFMA opens 200 places in online and distance learning courses in English, Spanish, French and Libras Valdemar Medeiros 28/06/2021 às 18:25
Courses Free courses: UFMA opens enrollment for 2.493 vacancies for 62 higher education courses in São Luís Valdemar Medeiros 07/04/2021 às 11:54
Public and Federal Tenders UFMA opens more than 1.000 vacancies in free distance learning undergraduate courses Valdemar Medeiros 25/12/2020 às 12:22