Public and Federal Tenders With a starting salary of up to R$6.8720, Correios announces a new public competition board with more than 3.400 vacancies at secondary and higher education levels! Roberta Souza 12/09/2024 às 14:08
Public and Federal Tenders Correios Competition already has confirmed positions; see what they are and the salaries for these functions, which can have salaries of more than 26 THOUSAND Alisson Ficher 31/07/2024 às 14:56
Public and Federal Tenders With a starting salary of up to R$6,800, Correios opens a selection process with mid-level and higher-level vacancies for Occupational Safety and Medicine (SESMT) Roberta Souza 23/07/2024 às 16:10
Public and Federal Tenders Do you dream of being a candidate for the Post Office? The website is offering free online courses for those who want to study for the competition that promises more than THREE thousand places throughout Brazil Alisson Ficher 05/07/2024 às 04:45