Public and Federal Tenders Public competition held by the City Hall opens 322 vacancies with salaries of R$13 for General Services Assistant, Gravedigger, Nurse, Seamstress and dozens of other positions Valdemar Medeiros 17/09/2024 às 10:45
Public and Federal Tenders City Hall opens new public competition with more than 1.300 vacancies and salaries of R$5 for Machine Operator, Civil Construction Technician, Child Caregiver, Administrative Assistant and more Valdemar Medeiros 09/09/2024 às 09:12
Public and Federal Tenders City Hall opens new public competition with more than 300 vacancies and salaries of R$6 for street cleaners, gardeners, lunch ladies, bricklayers, caretakers and more! Valdemar Medeiros 04/09/2024 às 11:05