Jobs How about working from MON to FRI – from 09:00 to 18:00 and earning R$5.243,00? SENAC announces job vacancy, applications are open until December 13th Rafaela Fabris 09/12/2024 às 16:00
Jobs How about working at one of the most renowned educational institutions? Senac has a job opening with a salary of R$42,53 per hour and a workload of 13 hours per week; Find out how to apply! Rafaela Fabris 04/12/2024 às 19:29
Jobs Senac is hiring! Job vacancies with a salary of R$7.531,00: Applications until December 05th! Rafaela Fabris 03/12/2024 às 18:37
Jobs Looking for an opportunity in sports? Senac has a vacancy for a Physical Education professional with a salary of R$4.200,00 + health insurance + daycare assistance and discounts on the institution's courses! See how to participate in the selection process Bruno Teles 22/11/2024 às 14:31
Jobs How about working from Monday to Friday from 07:30 am to 12:45 pm and earning R$2.042,40 per month? Senac announces a job vacancy; See how to participate in the selection process Bruno Teles 17/11/2024 às 19:38
Jobs Looking for a job? Senac is offering job openings for cleaning assistants with a salary of R$2.260,80 and a 44-hour workweek: See how to participate in the selection process Bruno Teles 17/11/2024 às 01:13