Jobs Trilhar RH is recruiting! 30 job vacancies available for offshore climbers; send your resume Deborah Araújo 18/07/2024 às 16:24
Jobs Offshore vacancies: Company has 20 open opportunities for climbing welders and boilermakers with experience to work in Rio de Janeiro Ruth Rodrigues 14/10/2023 às 13:30
Jobs Recruitment and selection for offshore and onshore vacancies in Macaé, Rio das Ostras, Itaboraí and ES, today February 16 Flavia Marinho 16/02/2021 às 11:23
Jobs Recruitment and selection for offshore vacancies in Rio das Ostras, today January 23 Flavia Marinho 23/01/2021 às 12:29
Jobs Amid the pandemic, a new onshore contract in Macaé demands many job openings Flavia Marinho 26/05/2020 às 15:43
Industry New offshore contract in Macaé demands job openings for elementary school professionals Flavia Marinho 03/04/2020 às 18:53