Wind energy Discover the easy-to-install wind turbine that costs less than R$2.800, can generate energy 24 hours a day, supply 50% to 100% of the consumption of a conventional residence and still lasts 25 YEARS Alisson Ficher 19/12/2024 às 18:06
Economy Easy-to-install wind turbine costs less than R$2.600, can generate energy 24 hours a day, supply 50% to 100% of the consumption of a conventional residence and still last 25 YEARS Alisson Ficher 26/11/2024 às 17:09
Wind energy Less than R$3 thousand! Wind turbine capable of supplying a house with 5 people is sold for a surreal price on Amazon Alisson Ficher 12/07/2024 às 09:20