Jobs Work at Unimed and earn R$2.606,83 + benefits! Mid-level vacancy open to work as a Service Customer Assistant Ruth Rodrigues 27/08/2024 às 20:38
Jobs Work from home at Unimed and earn up to R$3.336,91 + R$800 in food vouchers! Home office vacancies open for mid-level and higher education Ruth Rodrigues 16/08/2024 às 21:21
Jobs Elementary level vacancy at Unimed! Earn R$2.304,06 and food vouchers of R$800 working as a Maintenance Officer Ruth Rodrigues 12/08/2024 às 19:53
Jobs Unimed opens mid-level vacancies with salaries of R$2.304,06 + R$800,00 food voucher. + 40 vacancies available in the selection process! Valdemar Medeiros 11/08/2024 às 09:06
Jobs Home office at UNIMED: new selection process with job openings for working from home with salaries of R$7.400 Valdemar Medeiros 24/07/2024 às 01:12