Jobs Work from home (home office) and earn R$8.669,86 per month! SENAI is looking for people interested in working as a multimedia developer, offering a great salary + Private Pension Plan, Education Assistance, food vouchers, life insurance and other benefits; See how to participate in the selection process Bruno Teles 03/02/2025 às 17:24
Courses Registration is open! Senai is offering 500 vacancies for 20 in-person and blended courses, opportunities for Baker, Administrative Assistant, Building Installation Electrician, Human Resources, Computer Operator and others, check out the full list Rafaela Fabris 30/01/2025 às 18:12
Jobs Work from Monday to Friday from 07:45 to 11:45 and receive R$3.874,41 per month + VA of R$990,00 + R$350,00 in childcare assistance + Unimed health plan and more; SENAI is looking for people interested in working as a Technical Professional Education Instructor Bruno Teles 29/01/2025 às 17:34
Jobs R$6.126,95 is the salary that SENAI is offering to those interested in working from Monday to Friday from 07:30 am to 11:30 am and from 12:30 pm to 16:30 pm; Learn more about the vacancy for Industrial Automation Teaching Specialist Bruno Teles 27/01/2025 às 14:11
Jobs How about receiving R$3.736,91 per month + VA of R$990,00 + daycare assistance of R$350,00? SENAI is looking for people interested in working from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 12:00 pm and 13:00 pm to 17:00 pm as a Service Technician; See how to send your resume Bruno Teles 26/01/2025 às 01:42
Jobs How about receiving R$6.457,36 + R$880,00 in food vouchers + R$350,00 in childcare assistance? Senai is looking for people interested in working from Monday to Friday from 08:00 am to 17:00 pm, find out more about the technical services analyst vacancy Bruno Teles 22/01/2025 às 00:29
Jobs Work from Monday to Friday at SENAI! Salary of R$2.334,55 + attractive benefits; see how to secure your position Bruno Teles 21/01/2025 às 14:16
Jobs Work from Monday to Friday, from 8am to 12pm and from 13:30pm to 17:30pm, earning R$2.830,83 + benefits! Senai has an incomplete higher education job opening for the position of Assistant Ruth Rodrigues 13/01/2025 às 20:07
Jobs SENAI is looking for a professional to earn R$5.441,33 + benefits working only 40 hours a week as an Instructor! Job vacancy for those with a higher education degree Ruth Rodrigues 11/01/2025 às 21:18
Jobs Work at SENAI from 12:00 to 16:00 and 17:00 to 21:00 from Monday to Friday! Salary of R$2.162,58 + R$880,00 food voucher + R$350,00 daycare assistance; Don't miss this opportunity, send your resume TODAY! Rafaela Fabris 04/01/2025 às 15:24
Jobs Senai announces job vacancy with salary of R$40,22 per hour + benefits; Send your resume by January 12th Rafaela Fabris 02/01/2025 às 13:28
Jobs Have you ever thought about earning R$3.736,91 + R$880,00 in food vouchers + R$350,00 in childcare assistance? SENAI is announcing a job opening from Monday to Friday from 13:15 pm to 22:40 pm; Send your resume today! Bruno Teles 31/12/2024 às 13:19