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Federal Government opens more than 8 vacancies in new public tenders for primary, secondary and higher education with salaries of up to R$ 20 

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 19/07/2023 às 17:30
Federal Government opens more than 8 vacancies in new public tenders for primary, secondary and higher education with salaries above R$ 20
Photo: Contests in Brazil/Freepik

Due to a large deficit, the Federal Government has plans to open more than 8 vacancies in new public tenders at fundamental, medium and higher levels in various bodies.

O Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services recently announced new public tenders to allocate more than 2.480 civil servants in the federal public administration this year. In total, there are 8.360 new vacancies open in Federal Government bodies in 2023 alone.

Which bodies have open public tenders?

Esther Dweck, Minister of Management and Innovation in Public Services, had announced on June 16 the authorization for the opening of 4.436 vacancies in public tenders this year. It then increased this number to 5.880 contested positions.

In addition to the 2.480 vacancies announced in public tenders, there will also be 546 nominations authorized in contests already held, which increases to 3.026 the vacancies to be filled.

The tax amount per year will be R$ 546 million. Salaries announced for the new vacancies can range from R$6 to R$21, according to the minister. Among the bodies with public tenders requested are:

  • ANS (National Supplementary Health Agency) (35);
  • Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services (650);
  • Anac (National Civil Aviation Agency) (70);
  • Securities Commission (60);
  • IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics) (895);
  • ANTT (National Land Transport Agency) (50);
  • ANA (National Water and Basic Sanitation Agency) (40);
  • Ipea (Institute of Applied Economic Research) (80);
  • Ministry of Planning and Budget (100);
  • Ministry of Finance (40);
  • Anatel (National Telecommunications Agency) (50);
  • Antaq (National Waterway Transport Agency) (30);
  • Anvisa (National Health Surveillance Agency) (50);
  • Central Bank (100);
  • Aneel (National Electric Energy Agency) (40);
  • Previc (National Supplementary Pension Superintendence) (40);
  • MDIC (Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services) (50);
  • Ministry of Justice and Public Security (100).

The Federal Government has a large deficit in organs

O Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) has the largest number of open positions, with 895 vacancies in total. Esther Dweck's own ministry is in 2nd place with 650 openings in total.

The National Union of Central Bank Employees (Sinal) criticized the holding of a public tender without first doing a career restructuring.

The category complains about the holding of a new test for hiring employees that does not require a higher education, contrary to the qualification level required by the career. The Central Bank is on the list of new public tenders and will have 100 vacancies.

Esther Dweck claims that it is difficult to say which is the neediest sector of the Federal government and criticized the last government, which, according to her, celebrated the cut of vacancies. The minister also stated that the government will announce by August 31 the vacancies that will be open in 2024, before the delivery of the Annual Budget Law Project (PLOA) to Congress. Dweck claims that 80 vacancies were requested by public bodies, but that the amount will certainly be less than that of 2023.

Federal Government plans to create new criteria for conducting public tenders

The Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services announced that it will extinguish 13.375 mid-level vacancies and create 9.935 higher-level positions in the public sector. It will be a transformation of positions without fiscal impact. There will be the creation of commissioned vacancies in the Ministries of Finance and Health.

In addition, the Federal Government plans to create new criteria for conducting public tenders due to possible fraud. In this way, it seeks to increase competition and ensure greater legal certainty, in addition to better selecting candidates. 

Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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