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Kerch Strait tragedy: 4 tons of oil leaked in oil spill that threatens the Black Sea

Written by Bruno Teles
Published 17/12/2024 às 14:14
Kerch Strait tragedy: 4 tons of oil leaked in oil spill that threatens the Black Sea
Two Russian ships, the Volgoneft-212 and the Volgoneft-239, encountered a severe storm in the Kerch Strait, resulting in the spill of 4 tons of oil. The accident left one crew member dead, two seriously injured and threatens the ecosystem of the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov.

Two Russian ships have collided during a storm, releasing 4 tons of oil into the sea. The oil spill has already left one crew member dead, two seriously injured and threatens the ecosystem of the Black Sea and the Sea of ​​Azov.

Two Russian ships have met a tragic fate in the Kerch Strait, which connects the Black Sea to the Sea of ​​Azov. The disaster caused a massive oil spill, leaving a trail of destruction and environmental concerns. One vessel is sinking and the other ran aground near the coast, resulting in one fatality and serious injuries to two crew members.

The question remains: how could such a catastrophic event happen? Let's understand the details of this accident that is already considered one of the most serious in the region in the last years.

What happened in the Kerch Strait to the oil spill?

In the latest maritime incident, two Russian oil tankers, the Volgoneft-212 and the Volgoneft-239, encountered a severe storm during their crossing. The Volgoneft-212, carrying about 4,3 tons of oil, suffered severe structural damage, splitting in half and releasing approximately 4 tons of oil into the waters of the strait.

Meanwhile, the Volgoneft-239 was left adrift and ended up running aground just 80 meters off the coast of Krasnodar. Despite the critical situation, there is no evidence of a leak from this second tanker, but the crew is still awaiting rescue. The scenario is one of environmental devastation and humanitarian emergency.

The Volgoneft-212 case: A ship broken in the middle of the storm

The Volgoneft-212, a small oil tanker, was unable to withstand the force of the storm. The vessel split in half, leaving a visible trail of oil in the sea. The spill amounted to around 4 tons of oil, leading to an environmental disaster of as yet unknown scale.

During the rescue, extreme conditions made the situation worse. One of the 14 crew members died due to hypothermia, while 11 others were hospitalized, including two in serious condition. The human impact was as severe as the environmental one.

Volgoneft-239: Grounding near the coast of Krasnodar

Unlike the Volgoneft-212, the Volgoneft-239 did not sink, but was stranded due to bad weather. The vessel was carrying 4 tons of oil and, to date, shows no signs of leakage. However, proximity to the coast raises concerns about a possible rupture if weather conditions worsen.

The 14-member crew is safe and in constant communication with the Russian Navy, but has not yet been rescued due to the severe storm.

The environmental impact of the oil spill

The Kerch Strait oil spill is raising serious concerns. Experts warn that the oil spill could be difficult to contain, especially in a storm. Paul Johnson of Greenpeace said that winds and currents in the region are carrying the oil northeastward, expanding the scope of the pollution.

If oil reaches the coasts of the Sea of ​​Azov or the Black Sea, the clean-up will be a complex and long-term process. Local marine ecosystems, already sensitive, risk being severely impacted.

Immediate measures and ongoing investigations

Russian authorities are mobilizing efforts to contain the damage and investigate the causes of the accident. The creation of a working group to deal with the consequences of the spill was announced by President Vladimir Putin.

Possible safety violations in maritime transport are being investigated. The combination of human error and bad weather may have been fatal for both vessels.

Why was bad weather a deciding factor?

Bad weather played an unwelcome role in this disaster. Severe storms in the Kerch Strait make navigation difficult, especially for older vessels such as the tankers involved.

Extreme weather conditions require maximum skill and preparation from crews. However, human error at critical moments can trigger major disasters.

The accident in the Kerch Strait serves as a warning to the world about the risks of transportation of oil in adverse conditions. The oil spill puts fragile ecosystems at risk and highlights the urgent need to strengthen safety measures in maritime transport.

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Bruno Teles

I talk about technology, innovation, oil and gas. I update daily about opportunities in the Brazilian market. With more than 3.000 articles published in CPG. Agenda suggestion? Send it to brunotelesredator@gmail.com

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