This Monday (23), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the International Trade Commission of the United States took the decision to revoke the application of a surcharge on some exports of carbon steel sheets from Brazil to the North American country. .
This barrier had been in effect since mid-1993. The US decided to stop charging additional duties of 74,52% on imports of materials from Brazil. According to Itamaraty, this repeal will give an “increment” to the steel sectors.
“The decision, announced last January 10, stems from the conclusion that the extinction of the measure for Brazilian exports will not imply material damage to US industry”, said Itamaraty.
According to the folder, the country exported nearly US$9,3 billion in steel products in 2021. A total of US$5,1 billion was destined especially for the US, representing more than 54,1% of Brazilian exports. These Brazilian exports of carbon steel sheets will total approximately US$ 75 million in 2021.
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In July 2022, the US government made an announcement that it would reverse restrictive measures against all exports of cold rolled steel.
See the note released by Itamaraty:
“The United States International Trade Commission (USITC) decided to revoke the anti-dumping duty applied to Brazilian exports of carbon steel sheets, which had been in force since 1993. Thus, the US will no longer charge additional fees of 74,52 .XNUMX%, in the form of an ad valorem rate, on imports of carbon steel sheets originating in Brazil. It should be noted that there was no change or revocation of the trade defense measures referring to the other markets subject to the end-of-period review carried out by the USITC, with Brazil being the only country excluded from the surcharge”.
“The decision, announced last January 10, stems from the conclusion that the extinction of measures for Brazilian exports will not apply material damage to the US industry, which was demonstrated throughout the review process by exporters and the Brazilian Government, through the joint action of the Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX), part of the structure of the Ministry of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs”.
“In 2021, Brazil exported around US$ 9,3 billion in steel products, of which US$ 5,1 billion was destined for the USA, which represents 54,1% of Brazilian exports in this segment. Brazilian exports specifically related to thick carbon steel plates amounted to approximately US$ 75 million in 2021, and this marked increase may increase after the revocation of the trade defense measure by the US Government”.
“The Brazilian Government will continue to work towards normalizing and expanding steel trade with the US, an important partner in the sector, taking into account the ties and integrated chains between Brazil and the US in the steel industry.”