On Friday afternoon, an incident of devastating proportions shook the tranquility of a peaceful town in the interior of São Paulo. Residents, who never expected to experience a scene of chaos so close to their homes, were stunned by the shocking scene: the crash of a plane.
According to the information, the plane is from Voepass Linhas Aéreas, previously known as Passaredo, and crashed in the Capela neighborhood, in Vinhedo (SP), at around 13:28 pm this Friday (09).
The aircraft, an ATR-72 turboprop, carried 58 passengers and four crew, totaling 61 people on board. The flight had departed from Cascavel (PR) and was destined for Guarulhos airport (SP).
According to the National Civil Aviation Agency (Anac), the model has capacity for up to 68 passengers. According to information provided by Military police, the fall occurred near Rua João Edueta, close to the Miguel Melhado de Campos highway (SP-324), more precisely in the Recanto Florido residential condominium.
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The authorities were called immediately after the incident, and teams from the Military Police, Fire Department and Civil Defense arrived at the scene to begin rescue and containment work.
So far, there is still no confirmed information on the number of victims, but, according to Vinhedo City Hall, hospitals in the city and neighboring Valinhos (SP) have been mobilized to receive possible injured people. The incident also prompted a rapid response from local authorities, who are concentrated in the area to ensure the safety of residents and rescue teams.
Videos show the quatrain and post-tragedy
Airline note
A VOEPASS Airlines reports the occurrence of an accident involving flight 2283 - plane PS – VPB, this Tuesday, August 09th, in the region of Vinhedo/SP. The aircraft took off from Cascavel/PR bound for Guarulhos Airport, with 58 passengers and 4 crew on board.
VOEPASS used all means to support those involved. There is still no confirmation of how the accident occurred or the current situation of the people on board.
The Company is providing information to all its passengers, family members and employees by calling 0800 9419712, available 24 hours a day.
Note Cascavel airport
The management of Cascavel Regional Airport informs that it is awaiting information from the airline Passaredo, which, at the moment, is the only body that holds official information.
A standard emergency operation led by Airport staff is underway to contact families of possible victims.
The aircraft that left Cascavel Regional Airport bound for Guarulhos, crashed in the city of Vinhedo, São Paulo, on Friday afternoon (09).
In update