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Do you want to learn a new language without spending 1 real? Instituto Federal opens vacancies in free Spanish and French courses 100% online and with a free certificate!

Written by Ruth Rodrigues
Published 14/08/2024 às 22:06
Instituto Federal offers free Spanish and French courses in 2024, with comprehensive content and open registration for beginners
Photo: Canva

Instituto Federal offers free Spanish and French courses in 2024, with comprehensive content and open enrollment for beginners.

This Wednesday, (14/08), the Federal Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul (IFMS) is open for registration for two free courses of foreign languages. The Spanish and Basic French courses are aimed at people interested in learning the foundations of these languages ​​and offer an excellent opportunity to expand knowledge and skills in an accessible and inclusive environment.

Spanish Course at the Federal Institute

O course of Spanish — Class 2024.2 at Instituto Federal is aimed at beginners and offers a comprehensive introduction to the Hispanic language and culture.

With a workload of 40 hours, the course covers various aspects of Spanish, including greetings and goodbyes, personal data such as name, surname and surname, nationalities and alphabet.

Also covered are personal pronouns and the verbs “ser” and “estar”, cardinal numbers from 0 to 100, days of the week, months and seasons, professions, articles, rules of euphony and formal and informal treatment.

Additionally, the course includes family-related vocabulary, physical description, verbs for description, voseo, possessive adjectives, and ordinal numbers.

Other areas of study include euphony rules Y/E, O/U, and the pronunciation of LL and Y. The course also explores cultural content from Paraguay, Bolivia and Argentina, covering history, music, crafts, gastronomy, literature and tourism .

The free course is ideal for anyone who wants to gain first contact with the Spanish language and understand important cultural aspects.

Completion is scheduled for December 20, 2024, with a minimum period of 8 days to obtain the certificate after registration.

Basic French

O course Basic French — Class 2024.2 is also aimed at beginners and has a course load of 45 hours.

The program covers greetings, alphabet, numbers, personal presentation, tastes and preferences, contacts, physical and psychological description, family and friends, time and date, weather, daily activities and habits, and frequency of daily routine.

The Federal Institute's free course offers an essential introduction to the French language and culture, covering the basic aspects necessary for initial communication and cultural understanding.

Completion is scheduled for December 20, 2024, with a minimum period of 10 days for issuing the certificate after registration.

How to sign up for free courses

Interested parties can register at courses free through the official website of the Federal Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul.

Click here to register

Registration is simple and can be done directly on the institute's online platform.

Importance of the IF free courses initiative

Os courses free services offered by the Federal Institute of Mato Grosso do Sul are an important initiative to promote education and inclusion.

By offering foreign language courses, IFMS contributes to the personal and professional development of participants, enabling them to acquire new skills that can be valuable both in the job market and in cultural interactions.

Furthermore, offering free courses allows a wider audience to have access to language teaching, removing economic barriers and promoting educational equity.

This initiative reflects the Federal Institute's commitment to quality education that is accessible to all.

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Ruth Rodrigues

Graduated in Biological Sciences from the State University of Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), she works as a writer and scientific disseminator.

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