Eurofarma is expected to invest around R$1,8 billion in a new factory generating 2100 jobs
The project is located in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais
Eurofarma's new factory in Minas Gerais will contribute to the company's socio-environmental development, as well as generate jobs
It is possible that it will be opened in stages, the first of which is scheduled for the beginning of 2024
New factory in Minas Gerais was once again designed by Eurofarma after meeting with CODEMA
During the meeting, the representative of the companies that are responsible for providing construction services at the Eurofarma factory
Data about the structure of the new Eurofarma factory was presented to the public and the company's socio-environmental initiatives were also shown.
According to environmental analyst Naira Araújo and engineer Guilherme Caldeira, Eurofarma is acquiring just over 200 thousand square meters of land
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