Want to work with solar energy? City Hall of Mossoró (RN) announces free course with 120 places for photovoltaic system installers
CoursesRenewable energySolar energy
The course for installers of photovoltaic systems will last 20 hours and will take place entirely in person in Mossoró, in Rio Grande do Norte (RN).
CoursesRenewable energySolar energy
The companies JA2 and CWSE BRASIL received support from the City Hall of the city of mossoro, No. Rio Grande do Norte (RN), for the creation of the totally free course
CoursesRenewable energySolar energy
In short, there are 120 places on courses facing photovoltaic system installer which will open for registration between 22/08 to 19/09/2022.
CoursesRenewable energySolar energy
To be approved for training, it is important that you have already graduated from high school and attend the location indicated with a photocopy of your diploma.
CoursesRenewable energySolar energy
Check out the benefits offered by the free photovoltaic system installer course, offered by the City of Mossoró (RN)
CoursesRenewable energySolar energy
- Totally free, that way, it is not necessary to pay anything to access the training.
CoursesRenewable energySolar energy
- O certificate is free, unlike some institutions that require payment of a small fee to issue proof of completion.
CoursesRenewable energySolar energy
- O courseware as the books and prints are unpaid and provided to the 120 students.
CoursesRenewable energySolar energy
Classes are scheduled to begin in the morning and afternoon from the day September 26th, 2022