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With a starting salary of R$3.825, the Air Force has 194 vacancies for mid-level positions in the Sergeant Training Course!

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 12/01/2025 às 13:20
Updated 13/01/2025 às 21:27
aeronautics - competition - vacancies - notice
photo/reproduction: Brazilian Air Force

Registration for the aeronautics competition begins on January 15th and runs until February 14th, 2024 with several benefits!

The edict do aeronautics competition, providing 194 vacancies protocols for Sergeant Training Course (CFS), with entry scheduled for January 2026.

Opportunities are aimed at candidates of both sexes who have high school complete and who wish to study at School of Aeronautics Specialists (EEAR)located in Guaratinguetá, inside São Paulo.

To register, interested parties must be between 17 and 24 years, completed until December 31, 2026. Furthermore, it is essential that the candidate is single and has no children or dependents.

The registration period starts at 10am on January 15th and extends to 15pm on February 14th 2024, with the registration fee set at R$95.

Course structure and available places

O Sergeant Training Course will be carried out under a regime of interned and will last for two years, covering instructions in the general, military and technical-specialized areas. The 194 vacancies are distributed in ten areas of action:

  • Communications: 20 posts
  • Structure and painting: 10
  • Flight equipment: 6
  • Aircraft mechanics: 45
  • War material: 16
  • Meteorology: 20
  • Aeronautical information: 12
  • Maps: 2
  • Guard and security: 13
  • Traffic control area: 50

During the course, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) will provide food, accommodation, uniforms and medical, hospital and dental assistance, in addition to a initial remuneration around R$1.200.

aeronautics - competition - vacancies - notice
photo/reproduction: Brazilian Air Force

After graduation, the new sergeants will be assigned to serve in units spread throughout Brazil, with a current salary of R$3.825, plus additional charges.

Aeronautics competition stages

The initial phase of the competition consists of an objective test, which will include questions on Portuguese language, English language, mathematics e Physics.

The test is scheduled for June 1st and will be held in 16 municipalities:

  • Belem (PA)
  • Recife PE)
  • Fortaleza (CE)
  • Natal, RN)
  • Rio de Janeiro - RJ)
  • Belo Horizonte (MG)
  • Sao Paulo and Sao Jose dos Campos (SP)
  • Campo Grande, MS)
  • Canoas and Santa Maria (RS)
  • Curitiba (PR)
  • Brasilia DF)
  • Manaus (AM)
  • Boa Vista (RR)
  • Porto Velho (RO)

After the objective test, candidates will go through a health inspection, psychological assessment and a physical test, scheduled to occur between August and October. Enrollment and start of the course are scheduled for 14 January 2026.

Additional information

Interested parties who wish to request exemption from the registration fee must do so by the last day of the registration deadline.

Exemption will be granted to bone marrow donors and beneficiaries of Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico).

For more information about the competition aeronautics, such as program content and schedule, participants can access the competition page or contact the organizing committee by phone (12) 2131-7576 or by e-mail ingress.eear@gmail.com.

Follow the full notice and prepare yourself for this unique opportunity in aeronautics!     

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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