Ivens Dias Branco School of Social Gastronomy is now open for registration for free professional training courses. Registration for the free courses will close soon, so don't waste time!
The Ivens Dias Branco School of Social Gastronomy (EGSIDB), a public facility of the Ceará Department of Culture (Secult) managed in partnership with the Dragão do Mar Institute (IDM), is offering 230 places for seven free professional training courses in September. Registration for the selection process for free courses can be done on the school's website and this is a unique opportunity for those who dream of improving their skills in this area.
Learn more about the free courses offered by the School of Social Gastronomy
In free professional training courses, Students will develop essential skills for a culinary career. With a comprehensive curriculum, participants will be able to navigate the rich history of food and apply innovative practices to modern cuisine.
Upon completing the free courses, participants will be able to contribute in various areas of Gastronomy, from creating memorable gastronomic experiences in restaurants to management and innovation in food businesses.
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The free professional courses offered by the School of Social Gastronomy will be offered in two class cycles, namely:
Cycle 1 (16 to 20/09 – classes):
- Commercial Savory Pies (in person/night);
- Artisan Breads (in person/night);
- Sandwiches and Burgers (online/night).
Cycle 2 (23 to 27/09 – classes):
- Street food: Regional dishes (online/afternoon);
- Mobile Buffet Planning and Operation (online/night);
- Salads and Sauces (in person/night);
- Commercial Desserts (in person/night).
To participate in the selection process for free courses at the School of Social Gastronomy, candidates must be 17 years of age or older, including adults and seniors, and be available to attend classes in the morning, from 8:30 am to 12 pm, in the afternoon, from 13:30 pm to 17 pm, or in the evening, from 18:30 pm to 21 pm.
How to apply for places on free professional training courses?
Applications for the process must be made on the website of the School of Social Gastronomy and the results will be published on the same website and on the schools' social networks. Places on the free courses will be filled in order of registration, following the criteria established in the notice.
Selected candidates will be contacted via WhatsApp, and must be careful when filling out the form. The team responsible for the selection will not accept applications with incomplete data, outside the established deadlines or in disagreement with the terms of the manual.
According to Selene Penaforte, superintendent of the facility, the short monthly training sessions encourage reflection on the food production chain and value both local knowledge and inputs.
The free professional training courses offered by the School of Social Gastronomy also contribute to the development of fundamental skills, whether for entrepreneurship or the job market. For more information, visit and contact: www.gastronomiasocial.org.br | @escolagastronomiasocial, Email: coordinationopedagogica.gastronomiasocial@idm.org.br and WhatsApp: (85) 99295 6179 | (85) 99295 2122.
Meet the Gastronomy School
Being part of the Ceará Department of Culture (Secult), the Ivens Dias Branco School of Social Gastronomy (EGSIDB) is managed by the Dragão do Mar Institute (IDM) and is part of Cultura em Rede, a Secult Ceará program that integrates cultural actions and policies into its network of public facilities.
The training center, opened in 2018 in the Cais do Porto neighborhood (Fortaleza), is a training space that combines teaching, research and social commitment, recognizing the richness of the way people from Ceará eat, the different types of knowledge, the production chain, promoting product innovation, encouraging social entrepreneurship, qualifying for the job market and contributing to the fight against hunger, through free long and short courses, which take place at the School's headquarters and in the interior of Ceará.