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Civil works and construction – Raizen, Ipiranga and BR Distribuidora invest in a new fuel distribution terminal in MIRITITUBA-PA, generating job openings and leveraging the regional economy

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 26/07/2020 às 16:47
Updated 27/07/2020 às 06:07
Works and civil construction - Raizen - job openings
Raizen distributor trucks in front of your brand

This venture has shared investments from the 3 largest players in the fuel distribution business in the country

With the civil works on schedule, Raízen, Ipiranga and BR Distribuidora are about to inaugurate a fuel distribution – a fuel distribution terminal in MIRITITUBA-PA, in Pará. Similarly, with investments of R$100 million, the new base, which should operate with a new fleet of employees, generating more job vacancies for the region. The project is part of the companies' bet on shared investments, contributing to the growth of the market in the North of the country.

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The new fuel distribution terminal built by MPI Engenharia must include in its initial phase:

  • New Product Pump Square;
  • Construction of the containment basin;
  • Construction of the Pump Bases;
  • Installation of 11 Pumps;
  • Application of all discharge and suction pipes;
  • Installation of all valves, connections and fittings;
  • Installation of all supports;
  • Industrial Painting.

In this way, investment in construction in MIRITITUBA-PA will allow autonomy in the supply of fuels for the region, which covers important industrial, agricultural and commercial centers in the North of Brazil, also generating more job vacancies. MPI ENGENHARIA is a company that for more than 5 years has been operating in the segment of industrial assembly, manufacturing and maintenance of industrial equipment, product piping, metallic structures, painting in general and buildings.

About the work of Raizen Combustíveis carried out by MPI Engenharia

Undeniably, Raízen is an integrated energy company of Brazilian origin with a presence in the sectors of sugar and ethanol production, fuel distribution and power generation. Thus, its name is formed by the union of the words “root” and “energy”.

Furthermore, with optimized processes and use of CIF logistics, the distributor guarantees product quality and integrity along the way, as well as punctuality and end-to-end traceability until delivery.

Finally, the civil construction industry should expand even more this semester, possibly the company will need specialized labor in the coming months for the progress of the next phases of the work, this means that new job vacancies may arise soon for the construction.

MPI Engenharia is receiving resumes at the electronic address: curriculo@mpiengenharia.com

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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