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Young people with no experience are invited to positions at the logistics company that invests the most in cabotage in Brazil; Registration until Sunday (20/06)

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 18/06/2021 às 08:06
vacancies - logistics - ES - program - apprentice - Log-In -
Image: Disclosure Log-In Logística

One of the largest logistics operators in the country calls young people aged 18 to 22 for vacancies in the Aprendiz 2021 program, at the port terminal in Vila Velha (ES)

Log-In Logística Intermodal, a 100% Brazilian company providing logistics solutions, port handling and cabotage and long-haul navigation, has opened enrollment for the 2021 Aprendiz program for the port terminal in Vila Velha (ES). In its second edition, the program seeks to select young people aged between 18 and 22 who live, preferably, in the cities of Vitória, Cariacica, Vila Velha and Serra. 14 vacancies will be available for those who want to live their first professional experience in port and administrative operations. See below how to register your resume.

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The Aprendiz Log-In program has a strong social bias and offers public school students an opportunity to enter the job market, through the process of learning and practice.

In addition, it prioritizes young people who live around the terminal and live in a situation of social vulnerability, with family income per capita up to two minimum wages.

Check the requirements to apply for vacancies in the Apprentice program

  • Public and private school students can also participate, as long as they are scholarship holders, with good performance and regular attendance at school.
  • Be in at least the last year of high school.
  • If you have already completed high school, you cannot have completed higher education.

Inscrição: Those interested in looking for their first job who want to compete for vacancies can register until next Sunday, the 20th, using this link.

About Log-In Logística Intermodal:

Log-In Logística Intermodal is a 100% Brazilian company, which offers customized logistics solutions, port handling and cabotage navigation integrated with other modes and services, connecting Brazil and Mercosur by sea and land.

Currently, the company has its own fleet of seven container ships, with a total capacity of 18.050 TEUs, considering the recently acquired Log-In Discovery, which offer navigation services with regular routes, connecting the main ports of Brazil to Mercosur, from Manaus to Buenos Aires, arriving in Asuncion, Paraguay. Log-In also manages and operates the Port Terminal of Vila Velha, located in the Port of Vitória (ES), in addition to two intermodal terminals, one in Itajaí (SC) and the other in Guarujá (SP), with dedicated operations.

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Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a postgraduate engineer with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses. Contact flaviacamil@gmail.com for suggestions, job openings or advertising on our website. Do not send your resume, we are not hiring!

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