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Contact and Advertising

Published 11/03/2017 às 21:48

For story suggestions, posting job openings or advertising, follow the contacts below:

We have approximately 20.000 million hits per month (Data for 2021) from the mechanisms of search. Our social networks like Facebook, Linkedin and etc. also get half the traffic. 

Agenda Suggestion – Send a message to inform@clickpetroleoegas.com.br and put the information directly (Subject, website link or reference article, photo, etc…)

Media Kit – To find out about our values ​​for serving advertising on the CPG portal, Access our Media Kit here.

Facebook Message Box – We also serve through our Facebook chat here m.me/clickpetroleoegas

Whatsapp – We also answer on the phone 22-996105640-XNUMX, only by message.

*IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not use this contact to apply for a job, because Click Petróleo e Gas does not hire, in the header above there is a Search MENU and Magnifying Glass to search the posts.

To understand more about our publication principles, editorial process, ethics policy, content source, etc., access the tab ABOUT US.

Main Address: Rua dos Petroleiros, Macaé – RJ

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