Below is a list of many HR agencies that have been recruiting manpower in 2018 and will continue their activities in 2019. Before sending your resumes without any type of criteria, go to the companies' websites and view the latest selection processes open in these companies . They usually disclose opportunities in several so research carefully and only send resumes if they are within the attributions of the positions.
- Brasilcap is hiring a Full IT Operations and Support Assistant in RJ with a salary of R$3.000,00 to R$4.000,00 and several benefits!
- Brazil is run over economically! The South American country, often forgotten, is the one that will grow the most economically; see which one
- Lower taxes in Brazil! Minister says Lula government will reduce taxes to curb rising food prices
- Building the city of the future: Surprising update on Saudi Arabia's £400bn MEGAPROJECT in the DESERT