Home Calculating the ideal number of solar panels for your home: a practical guide to ‘get rid’ of your electricity bill

Calculating the ideal number of solar panels for your home: a practical guide to ‘get rid’ of your electricity bill

10 January 2024 to 22: 23
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Calculating the ideal number of solar panels for your home: a practical guide to 'getting rid' of your electricity bill
Photo: Disclosure

Determining the appropriate number of solar panels for a home is a crucial process to ensure efficiency and savings. Find out how to calculate the exact number of solar panels needed to meet your home's energy consumption.

The first step to calculating the number of solar panels is to understand the average monthly energy consumption of the home. This can be done by analyzing the electricity bills for the last 12 months and calculating the monthly average. After obtaining the average monthly consumption, this value is divided by the number of days in the month to determine the average daily energy consumption.

It is essential to know the average solar irradiation of the location where the panels will be installed. This data can be obtained through specific databases, such as those provided by CRESESB.

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System efficiency e power calculationia

The efficiency of the solar energy system is affected by several factors, including dirt on the plates, deviations from the ideal tilt angle and cabling losses. Typically, an average efficiency of 75% is used for calculations. The formula for calculating the power of the solar energy system required for a residence is as follows:

System power = Average daily consumptionio
Average daily irradiation × System efficiency

After calculating the power of the system using this formula, it is possible to determine the number of solar panels needed by dividing the total power of the system by the power of each solar panel.

Determination of the number of solar panels

Based on the calculated power, the number of solar panels required is determined. For example, for a system that needs to generate 2.830 watts, it would be necessary seven plates of 405 watts each. The number of plates is not the only important factor, because the sum of the power of all plates must meet the calculated energy demand. And of course, it is essential to consider aspects such as available space for installation and plate orientation to maximize efficiency.

But what if you don't yet have the electricity bill for the last 12 months, for example, the house is still under construction, how do you do it?

In the absence of an electricity bill, the first step is to estimate the home's energy consumption. This involves calculating the expected consumption of each electrical appliance that will be used in the home. Some energy utility websites offer online simulators where it is possible to enter data about the devices and obtain an estimate of consumption. These tools can be extremely useful for getting a rough idea of ​​your home's total consumption.

After listing all the devices and estimating the daily use of each one, it is possible to calculate the daily and monthly consumption. This will be the basis for determining the amount of energy that needs to be generated by the solar panels.

Calculating the correct number of solar panels is essential to ensure that your home is efficiently supplied with solar energy. With the detailed step-by-step instructions, anyone can estimate the number of panels needed for their home, promoting an effective transition to renewable energy and sustainable.

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