Home Director of Petrobras says that the worst phase of the state-owned company is over

Director of Petrobras says that the worst phase of the state-owned company is over

10 from 2018 from September to 13: 16
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In addition, the state-owned company advises that the Brazilian naval industry be more competitive so that operators operating in the country do not seek a market abroad

Petrobras completed 10 years of pre-salt production on September 2, with the first oil in Campo d Jubarte, in Espírito Santo. From that time until now, 20 offshore production units have been incorporated into the national fleet, bringing production to an incredible 1,5 million barrels of oil every day. Despite some deals that brought losses to the state-owned company and corruption investigations, Petrobras is now entering the “positive ascendancy” phase.

Solange Guedes, responsible for Petrobras' exploration and production department, was very emphatic in saying that the “worst is over”. As it is already in its business plan, 13 more platforms will be destined to the new pre-salt assets that have already been discovered and will start operations in the coming years. productivity that it has now and over the years, this time factor has been decreasing. What used to take 300 days to build a well, now takes about 100.

Will there be room for the Brazilian naval industry in this new phase of prosperity?

According to Solange, this is a question that only the Brazilian shipbuilding industry can answer. The reality is that building and consuming goods and services from abroad, especially from the Asian continent, is nowadays much more economically advantageous. The naval sector in Brazil must do is make construction more competitive, after all, there are 9 operators in frank operations in the country, naturally they would like to give preference to national content.

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