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Even with high demand, the IT market will still need 797 professionals by 2025

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 03/08/2022 às 12:45
IT - IT vacancies - information technology
IT professional working from home - Photo: EVolti

According to specialists at Brasscom, the lack of trained IT professionals hinders technological progress in the country. Professionals refute the idea and claim that there are no opportunities for beginners in the field.

The Information Technology it is fundamental for all countries that want to develop economically, in a world that is being guided more and more by the analysis of user-provided data and computational solutions to difficult everyday problems. The situation here in Brazil is no different, and the demand for IT professionals should increase over the next few years. Thus, currently, the training of IT professionals is almost scarce.

According to data from a study by the Association of Information and Communication Technology Companies – ICT, and Digital Technologies – brasscom, which was carried out last year, Brazil will have to hire more than 790 IT professionals by the year 2025, that is, it will need to train more than 150 people in the IT market. Currently, only 53 people are trained in the information technology market - IT annually.

The Information Technology – IT market  

Source: JR

Information technology is currently present in almost all sectors: from companies in the agricultural sector, communication, cultural sector, health and safety areas. Performing automated analysis and gathering information is crucial to guide businesses and the wider economy.

Boosting the IT market is important for solving day-to-day problems and other problems that may arise.

“The Covid-19 pandemic has further accelerated the digitization of many businesses that were less digitized or completely analogue, as well as the need for information security professionals, already needed before and aggravated by remote work”, said Henrique Poyatos, regional coordinator SP TI&C and the data driven communication course at Universidade São Judas.

“It is necessary to carry out the correct diagnosis of what is needed by companies, in order to move from there to public policies and dialogue with education networks and advance in the curriculum and more modern methodologies”, emphasized Sergio Paulo Gallindo, president of Brasscom.

IT market is one of the most demanded markets

According to a 2022 survey carried out by the consultancy specialized in human resources Manpower Group, Brazil appears in 9th, in a ranking among countries where companies report that they have difficulty filling vacancies for IT professionals.

The information technology sector is the first with a high demand for vacancies (40% of companies need to be hired) and the second with the most difficulty filling them (84%), behind only the banking sector (86%).

The demand for IT professionals has grown around the world, leading the IT market to be heated, as soon as companies from different countries have competed for the same professionals. As long as the dollar remains high against the real, things should be difficult for companies abroad.

According to Envolti's spokesperson, the lack of professionals in the IT market delays technological progress

Thus, projects tend to suffer from a lack of qualified IT professionals.

“It brings a very long delay for companies that seek more competitiveness in the market, in terms of higher quality delivery, service and cost reduction. Effectively, the projects are shelved and postponed”, commented Milton Felipe Helfenstein, spokesman for Envolti, an information systems company.  

“It already hinders the development of much-needed projects in many sectors, because digital technology tends to dominate everything. We run the risk of being left behind”, warned an economist specializing in the job market at FEA-USP, José Pastore.

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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