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With no brakes, Porto do Açu is now eyeing the generation of renewable energy with a focus on solar and hydrogen

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 10/12/2020 às 11:14
Porto do Açu - renewable energy - hydrogen
port of azu

As one of the most important integrated hubs in the world, Porto do Açu now wants to participate in the transition to lower carbon indices and increase its portfolio of services with renewable energy

The advancement of renewable energy sources including: solar, wind and hydrogen energy in Brazil has intensified the dispute between newcomers and giants in the energy sector, despite the pandemic, which led to a drop in electricity consumption this year, solar, wind projects and biomass have once and for all entered the companies' investment agenda, with an eye on a future increase in demand. The Port of Açu could not be left out and is starting the licensing process for the construction of solar and hydrogen energy plants.

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“We want to include Porto do Açu in the evolution of renewable energy, including solar energy and hydrogen projects, and the energy transition is a big step towards that”, highlighted Costa Fraga.

Equinor and Port of Açu

The CEO of Porto do Açu does not want to reveal the details of his future projects in renewable energy and hydrogen, but he says in advance that he already has his eye on a future partnership for a park offshore wind which is in the licensing phase near Porto do Açu in the field of market leader Equinor.

“My wish is that the Port of Açu serves as a base for moving equipment, inputs and that we can have our own renewable energy” said Costa Fraga.

According to da Costa Fraga, Porto do Açu is preparing to build a storage park of up to 11,4Mb (million barrels). 

Port Complex projects could make Porto do Açú one of the most important energy hubs in the world

Porto do Açu aims to become a natural gas hub (GNA 1)

The largest gas-based energy project in Latin America has already begun to take its first steps. The initiative, which is led by Gás Natural Açu (GNA), promises to be a milestone in the Brazilian and international oil and gas market.

Something around R$8 billion will be invested to get the idea off the ground and boost the local economy. In short, GNA, which is the result of a partnership between three different companies — Prumo Logística, BP and Siemens — will build a gigantic natural gas thermoelectric park in Porto do Açu. The port is located in São João da Barra, in the northern region of the state of Rio de Janeiro and is the main O&G hub in Brazil.

The project consists of the implementation of:

  • two natural gas-powered thermal plants (GNA I and GNA II), which together will reach 3 GW of installed capacity;
  • a LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) regasification terminal, of 21 thousand cubic meters/day.

The development of the Gas Hub is also an attraction for companies that use gas as a raw material or that seek greater competitiveness in terms of energy costs, to settle in Porto do Açu. This attracts new customers to the sector, connecting producers directly with consumers. All companies installed in the Port of Açu, and that use gas as a raw material or source of energy, benefit from the Açu Gás Hub

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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