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Odebrecht contracts in MG demand many job vacancies for civil construction professionals, today (21/12)

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 21/12/2020 às 07:46
odebrecht - civil construction - employment - mg

Helpers, Bricklayers, Assembler and many job openings to work on new Odebrecht civil construction contracts

The construction company Odebrecht hires in many functions to meet new contracts in MG. Job vacancies are for elementary and high school professionals in the field of civil construction, check out all the required functions and register your resume. Ministry of Infrastructure plans to hire R$ 137 billion in investments that will generate more than 2 million jobs

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Coincidence or not, recently to Odebrecht won contracts and will generate 790 jobs in MG for sanitation works

Engineering and construction company of the Odebrecht group won public tender and wins works contracts for Copasa and Fundação Renova in Minas Gerais. According to the newspaper Price, the sanitation works will be to implement the new water supply system in Montes Claros and generate many jobs in the northern region of MG. recently the group achieved the largest judicial recovery in the history of Brazil

Also in MG, the construction company Odebrecht was chosen by the Renova Foundation to carry on with the work to expand the Governador Valadares pipeline system. The foundation is responsible for managing the entire environmental repair process caused by the rupture of the Fundão dam, belonging to the mining company Samarco, which occurred on November 5, 2015.

According to the OEC, the contract has a value of R$ 155 million, and expects to generate 550 jobs at the peak of the works. The new pipeline will take water from the Corrente Grande River to three Water Treatment Stations.

Check below the job openings for civil construction works opened by the Odebrecht Group in Belo Horizonte, MG.


  • Helper
  • Shipowner
  • Carpenter
  • Fireman
  • Electrician
  • Assembler
  • Finishing Bricklayer


  • Transportation vouchers
  • Food ticket
  • Life insurance


Interested or know someone who might like to know? To compete for the job vacancies in civil construction above opened by Odebrecht, just send your resume to vacancies_mg@oec-eng.com and insert in the subject of the e-mail the location and the vacancy you are applying for [Ex: Vacancy as an Assembler in Belo Horizonte]. Good luck!

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Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a postgraduate engineer with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses. Contact flaviacamil@gmail.com for suggestions, job openings or advertising on our website. Do not send your resume, we are not hiring!

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