Home SEST SENAT offers a FREE qualification course for those who wish to work as a cargo vehicle driver (truck, trailer, road train)

SEST SENAT offers a FREE qualification course for those who wish to work as a cargo vehicle driver (truck, trailer, road train)

31 October 2023 to 18: 18
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The qualification course offered by SEST SENAT is aimed at those over 18 years of age and who dream of working as a driver of a trailer, truck or other similar transport vehicle.
Photo: Canva

The qualification course offered by SEST SENAT is aimed at those over 18 years of age and who dream of working as a driver of a trailer, truck or other similar transport vehicle.

SEST SENAT has a qualification course for Cargo Vehicle Combination Drivers (CVC). This course is an unmissable opportunity for professionals who wish to work as drivers of complex cargo vehicles, providing essential knowledge in cargo securing, pre-trip inspection, safe maneuvers and other topics. Upon completion of the course, participants receive a Certificate of Completion with a 20-hour workload, validating their skills and knowledge for the job market.

Getting to know the SEST SENAT CVC driver course

During the Cargo Vehicle Combination (CVC) driving course classes, you will be able to acquire important knowledge when it comes to combining vehicles loading.

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You will learn how to ensure proper securing of loads, ensuring safety during transport, how to carry out a thorough pre-trip inspection to identify possible problems and ensure safe transport, and how to master the skills necessary to carry out delicate maneuvers efficiently and safely .

In addition, other subjects are included in the course curriculum, such as: Driving on Rural Area Highways; Transport of liquid cargo; Delicate Maneuvers and Safe Speeds.

What are the requirements for the SEST SENAT course?

If you want to take the SEST SENAT cargo vehicle driver qualification course, you must pay attention to the requirements.

The first one is the minimum age requirement, being over 18 years old.

Furthermore, SEST SENAT offers a convenient online teaching platform.

Therefore, you can take the courses using different devices, including your cell phone, computer and notebook, as long as you have a reliable internet connection.

Make sure your browser is up to date for a seamless learning experience.

Browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome are recommended to access course content.

Another important requirement is to enable cookies in your browser for a smoother browsing experience.

Finally, to make the most of the CVC driving course, it is recommended to have headphones or a speaker.

Find out who this training is for and how to sign up

The Cargo Vehicle Combination Drivers (CVC) qualification course is specially developed to meet the needs of PROFESSIONALS who wish to enter the universe of driving complex cargo vehicles.

If you fall into one of the following categories, this course is perfect for you:

  1.  Aspiring Professional CVC Drivers

If you want a career as a driver of combinations of cargo vehicles, including articulated trucks, trailers, twin trains, road trains and others, this course will provide you with the essential knowledge base for your success.

  1.  Drivers Seeking Specialization

Even if you already have experience as a freight vehicle driver, this course offers the opportunity to enhance your skills and knowledge, ensuring you are fully prepared for the complexities of CVC driving.

  1.  Those Seeking Certification

Obtaining the Certificate of Completion for this course with a workload of 20 hours can be crucial for your career. It is formal recognition that you have acquired the skills and knowledge necessary to drive freight vehicles safely and efficiently.

To register for the Cargo Vehicle Combination Drivers qualification course, you must access the official SEST SENAT website, accessible through link.

By following this link, you can begin the registration process and take the first step towards a successful career in CVC driving, acquiring essential knowledge for safety and efficiency in cargo transport.

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