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The fusion between modes: optimization in the transport of goods

Written by Corporate
Published 28/09/2023 às 11:16
unique insight into the nuances of logistics when moving goods.
Photo: Free image bank – by Priscila Simões.

Challenges and opportunities in the multimodal cargo scenario

The synergy between different forms of transport stands out on the economic horizon of cities, offering innovative solutions for the infrastructure scenario. While many view this approach as the foundation for regional progress, the KORSA Risks & Insurance introduces a unique insight into the nuances of logistics when moving goods.

Towards more efficient transport

To achieve more robust and agile transport in the areas, a careful look at all logistical details is essential. This is to ensure that the movement of goods is carried out without hindrance to the point of arrival.

The fusion of transport modes is the key to sharper logistics, both for goods and people. This approach aims to not only improve global trade, but also energize the national economy. The goal is clear: reduce expenses and maximize efficiency. However, for this ideal to be fully achieved, the KORSA Risks & Insurance highlights crucial points, as illustrated by James Theodoro, company leader.

“The pulse of the economy is felt through transactions, and without a doubt, time and price are determining factors in the customer’s purchasing decision. Regarding delivery, it is crucial to understand that movements via rail or sea extend the deadline. Furthermore, in both modalities, the final phase always uses road transport, reinforcing the urgency of strategies that recognize these peculiarities”, shares the professional.

Analyzing costs and effectiveness

When addressing cost reduction in the multimodal panorama, one factor emerges as a challenge: the transshipment of goods. This implies several loading and unloading operations and additional storage costs.

Regarding transport modes, land transport still stands out, being responsible for an impressive 63% of freight transport compared to other means. This protagonism will be maintained even with the emerging multimodal integration, as it is the only mode that permeates all regions. Faced with this reality, there is a resurgence of demand for innovative solutions that address persistent challenges, such as safety and improvement of roads. Furthermore, the need to provide better conditions for driving professionals is a constant cry, as defended by KORSA in various forums and discussions.

Source: James Theodoro – CEO and Founder of KORSA Riscos & Seguros

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