Home ASTROS 2, developed by Avibras, is often confused with anti-aircraft defense systems; see the main differences and specificities of these systems

ASTROS 2, developed by Avibras, is often confused with anti-aircraft defense systems; see the main differences and specificities of these systems

27 April 2024 13 gies: 34
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ASTROS 2, developed by Avibras, is often confused with anti-aircraft defense systems; see the main differences and specificities of these systems
Photo: Avibras/Disclosure

The fundamental differences between the ASTROS 2 artillery system, developed by Avibras for ground attacks, and anti-aircraft defense systems, which are designed to intercept and neutralize aerial threats such as planes, helicopters and drones.

Avibras, renowned for its innovations in the sector defense system, is the creator of ASTROS 2 (Artillery SaTuration ROcket System), a powerful saturation artillery system that plays a crucial role in modern conflicts, but should not be confused with an anti-aircraft defense system.

ASTROS 2 is designed primarily to attack ground targets, including troop concentrations, armored vehicles and strategic infrastructure. Its ability to fire multiple shots in quick succession allows it to saturate a region with high intensity, overwhelming enemy defenses and causing significant damage.

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Avibras ASTROS 2 does not have the capacity to engage aerial targets

Unlike anti-aircraft defense systems, Avibras' ASTROS 2 does not have the ability to engage aerial targets, such as planes, helicopters or drones. Anti-aircraft systems specialize in detecting, tracking and intercepting flying objects, using technologies such as radar and missiles guided by heat or electromagnetic waves.

To illustrate, well-known systems such as the Russian S-300, the American patriot, the Israeli David Sling and the French-Italian SAMPT, are designed for air defense, capable of neutralizing aerial threats at different altitudes and distances.

ASTROS 2 and modern air defense systems employ cutting-edge technology for navigation and targeting

Both ASTROS 2 and modern air defense systems employ cutting-edge technology for navigation and targeting, ensuring precision in their operations. Additionally, both face adversarial electronic countermeasures, such as chaffs and flares, that attempt to deflect their sensors.

Understanding the distinction between an artillery system like ASTROS 2 and anti-aircraft defense systems is crucial to appreciate the strategies defense and the specific role that each technology plays in the military context. Although both are fundamental to modern warfare, their functions and objectives are distinctly different.

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