Home Goodbye, electricity bill! This new SIMPLE solar power kit powers almost anything!

Goodbye, electricity bill! This new SIMPLE solar power kit powers almost anything!

28 February 2024 to 13: 05
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Discover the most efficient solar energy kit on the market: a simple solution that promises to significantly reduce your electricity bill.

Photovoltaic solar energy is coveted by many, both for its ability to generate clean energy, without emitting polluting gases, as well as the promise of significant savings on the electricity bill. However, the high initial cost still represents a barrier for many interested parties. So in this article, we'll explore a new, easy-to-install solar power kit that promises to power a variety of appliances and reduce electricity costs.

Learn more about the solar kit that connects almost everything

Discover the simplified solar energy kit that can revolutionize your electricity bill: with a promised efficiency of savings of up to 71 kWh per month, this system uses just one 150A battery and three solar panels of 150W each.

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This kit offers a combined peak power of 450W. However, using a PWM controller may result in some energy losses. To optimize efficiency, the solar panels are configured in parallel, reaching a voltage of approximately 21V, close to the battery bank voltage of 12.6V. Despite the peak production of 450W, the PWM configuration allows the use of around 345W, with a loss of more than 100W.

The application of a PWM controller enables the connection of various electronic devices, including computers, speakers, televisions and routers. Alternatively, the implementation of an MPPT controller can maximize the efficiency of the kit, converting excess voltage into useful current and enhancing the use of energy generated by the solar panels.

This system is capable of increasing current by up to 24% with proper use of a battery, ensuring you get the most out of available solar energy. Explore how this solar power kit could be the solution you're looking for significantly reduce your energy bill, while promoting a more sustainable option for your home.

Assembly and maintenance of the solar energy kit

Maximize the efficiency of your solar power kit with the ideal configuration using an MPPT controller. By connecting the solar panels in series, this arrangement achieves a total of 63V and around 8A. Safety is guaranteed with the inclusion of a 10A DC circuit breaker on the positive wire, configured in parallel with the DPS (Surge Protection Device), optimizing system protection.

The heart of this system, the MPPT charge controller, plays a crucial role in stabilizing the energy generated by the solar panels and managing its flow to the battery efficiently. The connection is made by connecting the positive terminal to PV+ and the negative to PV- of the controller. The circuit is completed with B- connected to the negative bus and B+ to the positive, ensuring that the energy is correctly distributed through cables of at least 25 mm thick to the battery, interspersed with a high capacity 100A DC circuit breaker to additional security.

For energy conversion, a voltage inverter is connected to the buses, transforming 12V DC into 120V or 220V AC, depending on your needs. This process is protected by a configurable digital relay, which prevents overloads and damage to the system. The installation is completed with a 10A AC circuit breaker, allowing the safe use of more than 1000W of power generated by your solar power kit.

Benefits of acquisition

Even with all the technological advances in the solar energy systems segment, it is necessary to make an initial investment, so that in the future it is possible to benefit from cost reduction and save money by using solar panels where you need them.

The sun is the largest source of renewable energy, with global warming and the scarcity of natural resources, nowadays, more than ever, it is necessary to resort to sustainable methods and the use of environmentally friendly products. Therefore, the process of transforming sunlight into Solar Energy is carried out without emission of pollutants or any harm to the environment.

The savings and environmental sustainability of using solar panels are 2 indisputable arguments when it comes to negotiating your Solar Kit. In Brazil, the availability of UV rays that can be captured by solar panels is immense.

Using solar energy can save 50% to 95% of your current electricity bill. The investment in solar panels offsets the savings on future energy bills that your home or business will have.

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