Home How much can a solar panel generate per day? See which power to choose and how many plates you need to cover your energy bill

How much can a solar panel generate per day? See which power to choose and how many plates you need to cover your energy bill

1 November 2023 to 16: 57
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How much can a solar panel generate per day? See which power to choose and how many plates you need to cover your energy bill
How much does a solar panel at home pay off? (Image / Reproduction: CANVA)

Are you tired of hearing nonsense and really want to know how much a solar panel can generate per day? Enough more and I'll show you, without further ado, how to figure this out. And I'll tell you: I'm not going to bombard you with crazy calculations.

First, you need to know that you have solar panel of all sizes and power out there. What will really make a difference is the power of the panel. To avoid making the conversation too convoluted, let's consider a panel with power of 665 W. This “toy” is big, see? Not just any backyard can accommodate this beauty.

Now pay attention: the Brazil It's a huge country, and depending on where you are, hereamount of sun varies. In other words, solar irradiation is not the same everywhere. You won't find the same efficiency as solar panel in Manaus and Porto Alegre, for example.

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Let's assume you are in Sao Paulo City. In the capital of São Paulo, we have an average of 4,64 hours of “useful” sunshine per day for energy generation.

Doing the math and discounting losses with solar energy

How much can a SOLAR PLATE generate per day? (Video / Reproduction: E4 Energias Renováveis)

With this information in hand, just make a simple calculation: multiply the panel power (665 W) for hours of sunlight (4,64). The result is 3085,6 W or, converting to kWh, something around 3,09 kWh per day.

Everything has its B side. Even the solar panels have losses, which could be due to dirt, incorrect angulation or even cabling failures. In the sector, it is common to consider an average loss of between 20% and 25%. So, doing the math with an efficiency of 80%, our 665 W panel in São Paulo will generate around 2,47 kWh per day.

Summarizing the opera, with a solar panel of 665 W and considering São Paulo conditions, you can expect an average generation of 2,47 kWh per day. So, did you like it? Now it's up to you: take this information, adjust it to your reality and discover how much you can save with solar energy.

The average Brazilian energy consumption

To start, it's good to have an idea of ​​how much Average Brazilian consumes energy. According to data from National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL), average residential consumption in Brazil is around 160 kWh per month. If we divide this by 30 days, it gives something close to 5,33 kWh per day.

Now, we take the 2,47 kWh that a 665 W solar panel can generate in São Paulo and compare with these 5,33 kWh daily. Doing a quick calculation, you will see that a single plate could supply around 46% of the average daily consumption of a Brazilian household. Not bad, huh?

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