Home ANP advances decommissioning plan for Petrobras platforms P-15, P-12 and P-07, which will go to international auction next month

ANP advances decommissioning plan for Petrobras platforms P-15, P-12 and P-07, which will go to international auction next month

24 June 2020 to 15: 52
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ANP advances decommissioning plan for Petrobras platforms P-15, P-12 and P-07, which will go to international auction next month
ANP advances decommissioning plan for Petrobras platforms P-15, P-12 and P-07, which will go to international auction next month

Currently, the three Petrobras units P-15, P-12 and P-07 are anchored in the Campos Basin, about 120 km off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro.

National Petroleum Agency (ANP) moves forward with the plans for decommissioning facilities (PDI) of Petrobras platforms that will go to international auction next month. The auction of the state-owned company's three shallow water platforms is scheduled to take place on July 09th.

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ANP authorizes decommissioning plans for facilities on the P-15 platform, the unit operated in the Piraúna field, in the Campos Basin.

Also going up for auction is the P-12, which has already had its PDI approved by the ANP; and the P-7, whose decommissioning plan is still under analysis by the agency.

With the aim of concentrating all efforts on the pre-salt fields, Petrobras is going to dispose of assets in shallow waters and has put the three units up for sale.

The P-7 platform operated in a water depth of 210 meters in the Bicudo and Enchova Oeste fields. Meanwhile, the P-12 operated in Badejo, Linguado and Trilha, with a water depth of 100 meters. Finally, the P-15 unit produced in Marimba and Piraúna, in a water depth of 243 meters.

Currently, the three units are anchored in the Campos Basin, about 120 km off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Where those interested in participating in the auction will be able to make a technical visit to the platforms within ten days before the auction date to check the general condition of the platforms.

The auction notice will be available on the Petrobras Business Channel, Click here for more information. The electronic auction will take place through the website of Auctioneer João Emílio, at 10 am.

Petrobras decommissioning plans

In addition to platforms P-15, P-12 and P-07, the ANP authorized 19 plans for decommissioning facilities for Petrobras, which involve units such as FPSOs Piranema Spirit, Cidade do Rio de Janeiro, Espadarte, Brasil, Marlim Sul, Cidade de Rio das Ostras, among others.

ANP published a new resolution earlier this year on the decommissioning of oil and natural gas exploration and production facilities.

According to the ANP, the new rule will result in R$ 26 billion in investments over the next five years, taking into account only decommissioning.

“The single PDI will provide greater legal certainty and speed up the process, and will include environmental aspects on a case-by-case basis”, informs the Agency.

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