Home As promised, the government announced the changes in the Regulatory Norms - NRs

As promised, the government announced the changes in the Regulatory Norms - NRs

1 from 2019 to 10 at 11: XNUMX
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Change of NR's aims to increase productivity

The objective of changing the rules is to reduce bureaucracy and encourage entrepreneurship and it is estimated that companies will save R$ 43 billion over the next 10 years

Click Petróleo e Gás had already announced in May that the government would review the NRs, because in a ceremony last Tuesday (30/07) at the Palácio do Planalto, the government announced the long-promised change in the Regulatory Norms for health and safety at work.
The President of the Republic, Jair Bolsonaro, the Vice President, Hamilton Mourão, the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, the Chief Minister of the Civil House, Onix Lorenzoni, and the Special Secretary for Social Security and Labour, Rogério Marinho, were present.

According to Rogério Marinho, the 36 norms will be analyzed and, if necessary, changed to reduce bureaucracy and encourage entrepreneurship.
“We cannot live with anachronistic, bizarre rules that slow us down, hinder us and inhibit us. We cannot continue to be a factory that creates obstacles for those who want to undertake in this country”, said the secretary.

The changes

The changes in the NRs will be made in stages and in this first phase regulatory standards 1 and 12 were changed and regulatory standard 2 was revoked.

The alteration of NR 1 deals with the reuse of training carried out by the worker for use in another company, within a period of two years, and the removal of the obligation for micro and small companies with very low or low risk degrees of having to develop Programs Prevention of Environmental Risks (PPRA) and Occupational Health Medical Control (PCMSO).

NR 12 proposes measures that protect and guarantee the health and physical integrity of workers who handle, install and operate machinery and equipment.

Regulatory norm 2, which was revoked, required prior inspection by a federal inspection body in the installations of new establishments, that is, it will reduce state interference in private initiative.

The Federal Government estimates that changes in NRs will generate savings of R$ 2 billion in two years with NR1 and savings of R$ 43 billion in 10 years for the industrial sector.

President Jair Bolsonaro declared that the debureaucratization of norms will favor entrepreneurship.
“I think we should believe 100% in the entrepreneur. As? Taking these norms out. This over-regulation brings the economy to a standstill. And we were, yes, more and more plastered and paralyzed. And we had to change that from there. These norms, or in the abrogation of these norms, improvement, are very welcome. And that, yes, can unlock our economy and take us on the path of prosperity”, said the President of the Republic.

The work of analyzing and changing the NR's will continue in the coming months and other changes are expected, which will be announced by the government as soon as they are concluded.
The rules must be followed by companies that have employees governed by the CLT. The changes do not require congressional approval and take effect in 45 days.

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