Home Cool energy cat? Truly, is it possible to save up to 40% on your electricity bill with just one device?

Cool energy cat? Truly, is it possible to save up to 40% on your electricity bill with just one device?

10 May 2024 to 14: 47
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Energy Saver: a cool way to reduce your energy bill by up to 40% – a real ally or a pig in a poke?

The search for more economical and sustainable energy consumption is a constant in modern life. And, in this scenario, new developments are emerging that promise significant reductions in electricity bills. This is the case of the “legal energy cat”, an expression that gained popularity in Brazil in 2021.

The “cool cat” refers to a device known as the Energy Filler, imported from Germany by the Brazilian company Luminus. This equipment is marketed as a legal means of reducing electricity bills by up to 40%. This promise attracted the attention of many consumers looking for savings.

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Energy saver efficiency

At first, Energy Filler seemed to deliver on its promise. Reports from consumers indicated significant savings on their energy bills, generating a wave of recommendations and adoptions of the device. Businesspeople also adopted the equipment, saving thousands of reais monthly.

However, further investigation revealed that the Energy Filler and similar devices function, most of the time, as load power reducers. Instead of optimizing consumption, these devices simply reduce the amount of energy delivered to the devices, which can result in malfunctions and even damage to the equipment.

device known as Energy Filler, imported from Germany by the Brazilian company Luminus

More Efficient Alternatives

For those looking for real efficiency and savings, there are safer and proven effective alternatives. One of them is the purchase of electronic devices classified by Procel as energy efficient A. This equipment consumes less energy, contributing to a reduction in the electricity bill.

Another alternative is the installation of a photovoltaic solar energy system. This system is capable of generating clean and renewable energy, significantly reducing dependence on the conventional electrical grid and generating energy credits that can be usedused to slaughter the electricity bill.

Although the idea of ​​a “cool cat” may seem tempting, it is important to carefully evaluate its promises and operation before purchasing such a device. Investing in efficient and sustainable measures, such as purchasing energy-efficient appliances and installing solar energy systems, can bring real and lasting benefits to the consumer and the environment.

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