Job vacancies are for professionals with and without experience who have a medium level and availability to work in São Paulo.
PeopleRH Recruitment and Selection Company, announced 60 more job openings for mid-level professionals who are available to work in Jundiaí, São Paulo. Opportunities do not require experience in the role, check below the requirements and how to apply. Sign up too Construtora Techint calls for job vacancies in works at the Jaguatirica II Thermoelectric Power Plant; Resume submission by email or in person at the company
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People Human Resources allocates the ideal human capital for companies and offers the best job opportunities for those looking for a job market placement.
With more than 20 years of experience, it has positioned itself as a reliable and effective choice for companies interested in adding new talents to their professional staff, recognized for the quality and excellence in the various areas in which it operates.
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ATTENTION! Click Petróleo e Gás is not responsible for the applications, the job openings below are external and can be filled at any time by PeopleRH
Check below the requirements to fill the 60 job openings for Jundiaí, in the state of São Paulo
Billing / Attendance Operator
- Be over 18 years old
- Complete high school
- Basic Word and Excel
- Live in Campo Limpo Paulista, Jundiaí or Várzea Paulista
Benefits: Fixed salary; awards and benefits
Application for job openings – São Paulo – PeopleRH
Are you looking for a job but don't have experience? No problem, those interested in the job openings above must attend the PeopleRH Agency with their RG, CPF and resume TODAY, OCTOBER 19 from 9am to 10am and from 14:30pm to 15:30pm, at the address: Rua Rangel Pestana 1007 – Centro Jundiaí – SP.
The company asks interested parties not to forget to wear protective masks. GOOD LUCK!