Home Port of Santana in the state of Amapá will receive investments of R$ 43 million and will open 600 new jobs

Port of Santana in the state of Amapá will receive investments of R$ 43 million and will open 600 new jobs

23 from 2021 from September to 14: 12
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Porto – jobs – Amapá
Port of Santana/ Source: G1-Globo

The company that won the auction in the Port of Santana will be able to operate for 25 years in the area with an initial investment of BRL 43 million and a forecast of generating 600 jobs

Yesterday, Wednesday (22/09), Caramuru Alimentos, winner of the auction for an area of ​​3,1 thousand square meters inside the Port of Santana, in Amapá, presented the plan of activities that will be developed from the 1st half of 2021. The company is one of the main soy, corn, sunflower and canola processing companies in the country, it has operated since 2014 in the port, but in renewable concessions of 6 months. The company will be able to operate for 25 years in the area with an initial investment of BRL 43 million and a forecast of generating 600 jobs Read more this news: Porto do Açu plans to attract new pulp mills to its industrial park

Projects and new investments in the Port of Santana

With the victory in the auction, the company will be able to operate for 25 years in the Porto de Santana area, in the state of Amapá, with an initial investment of R$ 43 million and forecast to generate 600 direct and indirect jobs. The location is considered strategic for the company's investments aimed at the outflow of grain production harvested in the Midwest.

Antônio Balan, director of Logistics and Ports at Grupo Caramuru, says that “We have a factory in Sorriso-MT. So, when you look at the ports in the South and those in the North, there is a very great attractiveness and it caught the attention of our company.”

Expansion of the company's projects in the port

The area is intended for the movement of vegetable solid bulk, especially soy bran. One of the benefits gained by the Port of Santana is the reduction in travel time to Europe compared to other ports, by at least 3 days. “This port will receive all the cargo that comes from Sorriso, all the barges, from the port of Itaituba in Pará, and we transport it to the port of Bach, in Germany”, completed Balan.

Among the investments planned for the port terminal is the expansion of the shiploader structure, equipment responsible for transporting cargo from the ground to the ship. The new equipment foresees doubling the vessel's supply capacity. The mayor of Santana, Bala Rocha says that the expectation is that the municipality, and especially the port, will develop more quickly and bring benefits, such as the generation of jobs and income. Modernizing port equipment and this modernization will allow for greater agility in loading ships, I concluded.

Director of Caramuru Alimentos presenting plan of activities/ Source: G1

Santana port terminal auction

In August, the B3, the São Paulo Stock Exchange, auctioned an area of ​​3.816 square meters within the Port Area of ​​Santana, the main cargo handling port in Amapá. The contest is run by Federal government, through the National Waterway Transport Agency (Antaq). The initial bid for the auction was R$ 5,5 million and national and foreign companies can participate in a consortium or individually. In a note, Antaq confirmed that there are proposals qualified for the auction.

The port, which is on the banks of the Amazon River, in Amapá, is managed by the city hall through Companhia Docas de Santana (CDSA). Even with the auction, the port administration concession remains with the public power. The area to be auctioned foresees the implementation of silos and conveyor belts connected to the Port of Santana. On the ground, there are three metallic vertical silos with a diameter of 22 meters each, with a static capacity of 7.200 tons (10.066 m³), ​​totaling 21.600 tons.

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