Home Santa Catarina Norte Bridge Project in Florianópolis: challenges in construction, 6 km long and underwater tunnel

Santa Catarina Norte Bridge Project in Florianópolis: challenges in construction, 6 km long and underwater tunnel

13 January 2024 to 17: 56
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Santa Catarina Norte Bridge Project in Florianópolis: challenges in construction, 6 km long and underwater tunnel
Photo: Disclosure/Santa Catarina Norte Bridge Project

Florianópolis may soon receive a new architectural and engineering landmark with the construction of the Ponte Santa Catarina Norte, a project that promises to significantly ease traffic in the region and boost tourism and the local economy.

The Santa Catarina Norte Bridge project, which will connect the region of Governador Celso Ramos to the north of Florianópolis Island, including areas such as Canasvieiras and Ingleses, is an innovative initiative proposed by Cronic Digital. This project has been discussed and analyzed for years and has the potential to become a effective solution for traffic problems on the Hercílio Luz and Pedro Ivo Campos bridges.

The main advantage of the Ponte Santa Catarina Norte is the significant reduction in travel time between the mainland and the north of the island. It is estimated that the new route could save around two hours of travel, facilitating access and boosting tourism and economic development in the region.

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Project Details

With a total length of 6 km, of which 2 km would be underwater and 4 km above water, the proposed bridge stands out for its innovative design. The structure would include an underwater tunnel starting in one of the region's hills, a unique feature compared to other infrastructure projects in Brazil.

Taking inspiration from international models such as the connection between Windsor, Canada, and Detroit, USA, the Ponte Santa Catarina Norte seeks to follow a similar system of multiple connections between the island and the continent.

Challenges and feasibility

Despite the tourism potential and improved traffic, the project faces significant challenges, including environmental, financial and technical aspects. Financial viability is a crucial concern, as it is estimated that the construction cost may be comparable to other large projects, such as Salvador-Itaparica Bridge in Bahia. Public-private partnerships may be necessary to make the project viable, considering its possible billion-dollar cost.

In addition to the financial cost, there are environmental and road infrastructure concerns associated with the project. The use of existing roads, such as SC-410, and the need for expansion or duplication of roads are aspects that must be considered. The integration of the new bridge with the existing road network is essential to maximize its potential and minimize environmental impact.

The future of mobility in Florianópolis

The Ponte Santa Catarina Norte is a step towards a more connected and accessible Florianópolis. The project has the potential to transform mobility in the region, but requires a careful and considered approach, taking into account all factors involved.

The Santa Catarina Norte Bridge proposal is ambitious and promising, offering significant benefits for Florianópolis and its neighboring regions. However, its achievement will depend on overcoming financial, environmental and technical challenges. If successful, the bridge will not only ease traffic but also become a new postcard of the region.

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