Home Revolutionizing third-party management: the innovation of the GD3 platform

Revolutionizing third-party management: the innovation of the GD3 platform

23 January 2024 to 07: 15
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outsourced helps reduce costs with labor processes
Photo: Bruna Carolina de Souza

Cost reduction and efficiency in labor processes with GD3

In a business environment where operational efficiency is key, the GD3 platform emerges as an innovative solution for managing outsourced workers. The startup supports contractors in centralizing documents, maintaining history, authorizations and providing robust analytical support to minimize costs with labor processes. This support is crucial in a scenario where, according to the 2022 General Labor Court Report, spending on labor actions exceeded the R$38 billion mark, reflecting the complexity and challenges faced by companies in managing outsourced human resources.

Inefficiency in document management and control, failures in inspections and non-compliance with labor laws are highlighted by Edson Ubaldo Neto, CEO of GD3, as the main causes of these alarming statistics. The GD3 platform responds to these questions, offering an automated management solution for companies that operate with a large base of outsourced workers, such as construction companies and large industrial conglomerates.

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Technology and compliance at the heart of third-party management

Technology plays a fundamental role in minimizing risks associated with legal processes. GD3 offers an efficient management system, capable of accurately managing worker documentation. This system checks the compliance and expiration dates of critical documents, ensuring compliance at all levels, from managing documents from outsourced companies to the professionals themselves, through controlling Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Regulatory Standards (NRs) and social security obligations.

Edson Ubaldo Neto emphasizes the importance of centralizing documents in a digital system, which not only facilitates analysis and management, but also warns about expiration dates and information gaps. This ensures the safety of professionals and compliance with current regulations.

Impact and reach of GD3 in the Brazilian market

The Brazilian scenario shows a significant number of outsourced workers, with almost 13 million people, representing 22,5% of the employed population. The services sector leads in outsourced employment, closely followed by commerce and industry. GD3 is positioned as a strategic tool in this context, allowing companies from different segments to minimize losses, reduce administrative costs and adopt more effective corporate governance practices and tax obligations.

The platform, operating under the SaaS (Software as a Service) model, ensures that all sectors that deal with outsourced workers can manage their service providers efficiently and securely. Renowned clients such as Alpargatas, Eletrobras, Grupo SBF and Anima have already adopted the GD3 solution, attesting to the platform's effectiveness in reducing administrative costs and providing specialized support for document analysis.

In short, the GD3 platform is not just a management tool, but a strategic ally for companies seeking efficiency, compliance and cost reduction in their operations with outsourced workers. Through an innovative and technologically advanced approach, GD3 is setting a new standard in third-party management, promoting a safer, more regulated and more economical corporate environment.


Bruna Carolina de Souza.

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