Home The advancement of green jobs in Brazil

The advancement of green jobs in Brazil

26 February 2024 to 09: 58
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Ten percent of green jobs are in Brazil

Sebrae Rio drives small businesses towards sustainability

In the current scenario, where sustainability is increasingly becoming a fundamental pillar for economic development, Brazil stands out for being home to 10% of green jobs global. This segment, which encompasses job positions focused on preserving or restoring the environment, is expanding, especially in the energy sector. Aiming to enable entrepreneurs to navigate this promising market, Sebrae Rio developed a practical guide that explains how to integrate sustainability into business strategies in an efficient and economical way.

Brazil: a powerhouse in green jobs

The country positions itself as a leader in the generation of green jobs, especially in the energy sector, with emphasis on the biofuels, solar, hydroelectric and wind industries. This leadership reflects not only Brazil's energy potential, but also its commitment to sustainable development. Projections indicate that, by 2030, renewable energy is expected to generate more than 38 million jobs around the world, reinforcing the importance of this sector for the global economy and environmental preservation.

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Strategic guidelines for small businesses

Margareth Carvalho, from Sebrae Rio, emphasizes Rio de Janeiro's pioneering role in the environmental debate and awareness about sustainability. The material prepared by Sebrae Rio aims to provide small entrepreneurs with a roadmap to implement sustainable practices in their operations, without necessarily increasing costs. The aim is to encourage the adoption of business models that are not only environmentally responsible but also economically viable.

Steps to corporate sustainability

To qualify in the context of green jobs and ESG (environmental, social and governance) practices, it is crucial that the entrepreneur establishes clear objectives, adopts sustainable organizational policies, draws up dedicated plans and budgets and seeks relevant certifications. Furthermore, it is essential to monitor and disclose the company's performance in relation to established goals to ensure transparency and continuous engagement with sustainable practices.

The challenge also extends to public management, which plays a significant role in promoting sustainable actions with a positive social impact. The adoption of green practices by public departments can serve as a model for the private sector, in addition to contributing to achieving sustainable development objectives at national and global levels.

In short, Brazil is at the forefront of creating green jobs, reflecting a growing commitment to sustainability. The Sebrae Rio guide represents a valuable tool for small businesses seeking to align with this trend, offering a path to the effective integration of environmentally responsible practices into their business strategies. As we move forward, the synergy between sustainability and economic development becomes increasingly inseparable, opening up new opportunities for entrepreneurs committed to the future of the planet.

Source: RJ-SEBRAE-Imprensa.

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