Home • The incredible discovery of Mina da Passagem, which is the largest gold mine in Brazil: more than 35 tons of gold were extracted and produced almost half of all this mineral on the planet!

The incredible discovery of Mina da Passagem, which is the largest gold mine in Brazil: more than 35 tons of gold were extracted and produced almost half of all this mineral on the planet!

1 April 2024 16 gies: 00
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Discovery of the Passagem Mine changed the history of Minas Gerais and gold in Brazil, placing the country as one of the main producers and exporters of gold in the world!

Discovery of the Passagem Mine changed the history of Minas Gerais and gold in Brazil, placing the country as one of the main producers and exporters of gold in the world!

Relive the Golden Age! In the 18th century, gold extraction was the most profitable activity in Brazil. Everyone wanted to go to Minas Gerais in search of this valuable metal, in the rivers, in the mountains and even underground. But did you know that there is still a place where you can relive the gold cycle and feel like you're in the past?

If you want to know this place, keep reading and come and see Mina da Passagem, one of the most important gold mines in the history of Brazil.

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MINA DA PASSAGEM: discover the LARGEST GOLD MINE in the world, located in Brazil!

Giant Gold Mine: around 35 tons of gold were extracted

Mina da Passagem is a giant gold mine located in the municipality of Mariana, in Minas Gerais. It is considered the largest gold mine open to visitors in the world. From its foundation in the 35th century until its closure, around XNUMX tons of gold were extracted.

Imagine all the wealth that came out of this place! Even deactivated, Mina da Passagem continues to generate profit, receiving approximately 300 visitors every day.

Minas Gerais produced almost half of all the world's gold

The history of Mina da Passagem dates back to the 1695th century, when bandeirantes explored the interior in search of gold and precious stones. In XNUMX, a group of bandeirantes began exploring the Tripuí region, where the city of Ouro Preto is today, and found granite blocks impregnated with gold particles. This discovery attracted many people to the region, starting the so-called Gold Cycle.

Minas Gerais produced almost half of all the world's gold, making many people rich. The mansions and churches of the first towns in the region, such as Vila Rica (currently Ouro Preto) and Vila do Carmo (current Mariana), are testimonies of this period of luxury.

Mina da Passagem had more than 30 kilometers of underground tunnels, occupying an area of ​​more than 7 thousand square meters.

Mina da Passagem has had different owners over the years. In 1819, Baron de Eschwege, a German geologist, bought the mines to form the first mining company in Brazil, Sociedade Mineradora de Passagem. It was during this period that the industrial phase of gold exploration began, with the use of modern machines to dig ever deeper tunnels.

The mine was controlled by the English for a time, who brought new technologies and expanded the tunnels to neighboring mines. At its peak, Mina da Passagem had more than 30 kilometers of underground tunnels, occupying an area of ​​more than 7 thousand square meters.

With the low price of gold and high inflation, exploration of the mine became unviable. In 1954, activities were practically closed. However, in 1976, the mine was sold to a controlling group who turned the site into a tourist attraction. Since then, visiting Mina do Fundão, part of Mina da Passagem, has been a popular activity.

Discover the Passagem Mine

Access to Mina da Passagem is easy, being just a 10-minute drive from Ouro Preto and five minutes from Mariana. Upon entering the space, visitors come across a small shop selling handicrafts and precious stones, as well as a small museum with pieces used during the height of gold exploration in the mine.

The main attraction of the mine are the underground galleries. Visitors are transported by a railway trolley to a point 120 meters below the ground. From this point, it is possible to explore the mine's halls and galleries, which are larger and more spacious than in other mines in the region.

It is possible to notice the golden glow on the mine walls, caused by the presence of pyrite

Visitors are accompanied by guides who tell the history of the mine, the gold cycle and share local legends. During the tour, it is possible to notice the golden glow on the mine walls, caused by the presence of pyrite, an iron disulfide mineral.

Another highlight is the underground lake with crystal clear waters. This lake was formed when excavations reached groundwater. Currently, the lake is explored by qualified divers and has become one of the biggest meeting points for cave divers in Brazil.

At the end of the tour, visitors have the opportunity to participate in a mining demonstration with pans, which were used to separate gold from other materials present in the water. This activity was part of the routine of the miners at Mina da Passagem.

Gold mine, in Minas Gerais, contributed significantly to the history of Brazil

Mina da Passagem is a place that needs to be preserved so that its historical importance is not forgotten. Even with all the difficulties faced by workers at the time, the mine contributed significantly to the history of Minas Gerais and Brazil.

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