Home Advances in automation: union of autonomous robots and human analysis shapes the future of industry

Advances in automation: union of autonomous robots and human analysis shapes the future of industry

20 November 2023 to 22: 32
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Industry of the future combines autonomous robots
Photo: Igor Lima – EPR.

Automation fair 2023 reveals global industry innovations

“Automation Fair 2023”, a global technological innovation event in the industrial sector organized by Rockwell Automation, shed light on the fusion of autonomous robots and crucial human analysis in the industry of the future. This year, for the first time in Boston, the fair introduced more than 10 attendees to the emerging trends that are redefining factories, supply chains and the global workforce.

Digital transformation and the role of artificial intelligence

Rockwell Automation CTO Cyril Perducat emphasized the importance of advancing Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning, predicting a paradigm shift in the industry. “We are moving from a descriptive model to a more proactive one, where AI allows humans to focus on optimizing business operations, not just analyzing data,” explained Perducat.

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Integration of advanced technologies on the factory floor

Rockwell Automation has introduced a series of innovations, including autonomous mobile robots (AMR) equipped with sensors and computer vision, capable of making decisions and performing tasks independently. These solutions are designed to collect real-time data, manage inventories, predict maintenance and identify operational anomalies, increasing factory efficiency.

The human factor in industrial automation

Blake Moret, CEO of Rockwell Automation, highlighted the importance of the human element in the automated industry. “Our vision is human-centered; It is essential to help people adapt and interact comfortably with new technologies. Workers will have different roles, perhaps even in remote operations centers, but they will continue to be essential,” said Moret.

Facilitating the transition to new technologies

To smooth the transition to these new technologies, Rockwell Automation focuses on the intuitive design and user experience of its systems. The FactoryTalk® software line exemplifies this effort, offering user-friendly interfaces that accelerate technological adoption in manufacturing operations.

The future of automation and the commitment to sustainability

The 32nd edition of the Automation Fair, with technical sessions, tours and advanced training, reiterated Rockwell Automation's commitment to sustainable and productive innovation. The company, a global leader in industrial automation and digital transformation, continues to push the boundaries of what is humanly possible, integrating human imagination with the potential of technology.

For more information about the innovations presented at Automation Fair 2023 and the future of industrial automation, visit the official Rockwell Automation website.

Source: Igor Lima – EPR.

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