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Brasfels shipbuilding yard, opened yesterday (31/03), selection process for the construction of 6 mega blocks of FPSO Tamandaré; there are job openings for primary, secondary, technical and higher education

Written by Paulo Nogueira
Published 01/04/2022 às 12:22
Updated 21/11/2022 às 11:58
employment - Brasfels - construction - naval - elementary school - technician - engineer - analyst -
Hiring queue at the Brasfels Shipyard, in Angra dos Reis. Job vacancies for FPSO Tamandaré works – Image credits Chapinha

Brasfels Shipyard invites high school, technical and higher education professionals to work in the administrative, operational and maintenance areas. There are more than 40 job openings and one of them could be yours, see below how to register your resume!

Job openings in shipbuilding are resuming! The year 2022 started with many opportunities for professionals in the offshore and onshore industry. Today the open selection process is to work at the Brasfels shipyard, in Angra dos Reis. The opportunities will be due to the construction of 6 mega blocks for the FPSO Tamandaré, which should start between August and September, with a forecast duration of 2 years, which may also be extended.

There are jobs for elementary, secondary, technical and higher education professionals to compose administrative, maintenance and operational positions. After reviewing the CV, Brasfels HR will make contact with the interested party. At first, the interviews must take place virtually, via video call, moving on to the next phase, where the candidate must go to the shipyard to take the aptitude test.

Check below the positions called and how to register the resume!

  • Boiler Operator
  • AT ER 3/4G welder
  • TIG/ER/MIG/MAG 6G welder
  • coal welder
  • blowtorch
  • Scriber
  • Carpenter
  • Tinker
  • Straightener
  • insulator
  • Riggers
  • Plumber
  • MF painter
  • Fitter Electrician
  • Power and Control Electrician

Inscrição: Interested parties should send their CV to rh.curriculo@kfelsbrasil.com.br, including the position sought in the title of the e-mail.

See 44 job openings for secondary, technical and higher education

Registration: Those interested in the job vacancies above, must click on the desired position to register the curriculum (see all available opportunities directly on the company's website IN THIS LINK), or send your resume stating the name of the desired position in the subject field of the email to rh.curriculo@kfelsbrasil.com.br

Petrobras presents the FPSO Carioca platform, at the Brasfels shipyard, in Angra dos Reis, and the Rio authority promises 5 jobs in shipbuilding for the state

Shipbuilding – On June 10, 2021, the largest oil company in Brazil invited authorities from the state of Rio de Janeiro to present the oil platform, FPSO Carioca, which is being built by Modec at the Brasfels shipyard, in Angra dos Reis, in the Green Coast of Rio. Two weeks before the end of the works, the unit, which belongs to Petrobras, will have its final destination in the Sépia field, in the Santos Basin pre-salt, where it will start operating in August.

The visit was attended by the mayor of Angra, Fernando Jordão; the president of the Naval Industry Commission of the Legislative Assembly of Rio, state deputy Célia Jordão; members of the Mines and Energy Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, federal deputies Edio Lopes and Altineu Cortes, and city councilors.

The technology applied in the works and the advances in the deep water offshore sector, of which the Brazilian oil company Petrobras is a pioneer, were presented.

The companies also commented on market difficulties in shipbuilding regarding technology, infrastructure, and lack of tax incentives to make them more competitive. According to the parliamentarian, there is a forecast of 5 new vacancies with construction in shipyards in the state.

“It is a market with a great contribution to the economic development of the state, with a growing perspective of new works, but which needs a development plan. With the construction of the P-78, MV-32 and the Almirante Tamandaré Platform, there is a forecast of 5 new vacancies”, said congresswoman Jordão.

Paulo Nogueira

With a technical background, I worked in the offshore oil and gas market for a few years. Today, my team and I are dedicated to bringing information from the Brazilian energy sector and the world, always with credible and up-to-date sources.

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