Online courses in the areas of business, innovation, learning and IT are available on Fundação Bradesco's platform. Check out how to register!
Fundação Bradesco is a private non-profit institution founded in 1956, which aims to promote inclusion and social development through education. Currently, the foundation is offering 82 fully online and free short-term courses with a certificate.
The online courses offered by Bradesco are organized into six areas of interest: Personal and Professional Development, Learning Methodologies, Business and Innovation, Productivity, Programming and Information Technology. If you want to boost your resume in 2023, we separate some useful information for joining Fundação Bradesco.
See which online courses Fundação Bradesco offers for beginners
- Managing Database
- Customer Service
- Business Communication
- Object Oriented Development using the Python Language
- Professional development
- Design Thinking for Educators
- Financial education
- Inclusive education
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Business Strategy
- Ethics in Systems Development
- Finanças Pessoais
- Photography with Mobile Devices
- Fundamentals of Mobile Applications
- Fundamentals of Logic Programming
- IT Fundamentals: Hardware and Software
- Fundamentals of Graphic Design
- HTML – Advanced
- HTML – Basic
- HTML and CSS in Practice
- Implementing Database
- Innovating with CSS
- Artificial Intelligence and the New Context of Digital Culture
- Introduction to Administration
- Introduction to Data Analytics – Microsoft Power BI
- Introduction to Project Management
- Introduction to Computer Networks
- Introduction to JavaScript
- Introduction to Scratch: Programming Language in Creative Computing
- Introduction to Scratch: Programming Language in Creative Computing
- General Law on Data Protection (LGPD)
- Digital Literacy
How can I participate in Fundação Bradesco's free online courses?
To be able to participate in Bradesco's free online courses, you just need to be over 14 years old, have a CPF and a valid email account. Click here to check out all the options and enroll in any Fundação Bradesco online course!
- Take a FREE specialization course at the Federal Institute! IF invites teachers who work in Elementary Education for an unmissable course; see the details
- Last days to sign up! Free hydraulic installer course with nationally recognized certificate is offered by Senai. A unique opportunity to boost your career
- Free online postgraduate course (EAD) in innovation in education is offered by Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), an excellent opportunity to transform your career
- Learn a new language and open doors to the world: Free courses with more than 8 thousand training vacancies in German, Spanish, English and others
After completing his registration, the user will have his login and access password, and will be able to enroll in the online courses available at Bradesco. Once enrolled, the student will have 60 days to complete the online course. In order to be approved and receive the certificate of completion, you must have at least a 70% pass rate in the course.