Home Brazilian Navy shakes the world with oldest active warship! Discover the POWER of the legendary Parnaíba – U 17 that participated in the Second World War

Brazilian Navy shakes the world with oldest active warship! Discover the POWER of the legendary Parnaíba – U 17 that participated in the Second World War

26 March 2024 to 22: 55
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Brazilian Navy shakes the world with oldest active warship! Discover the POWER of the legendary Parnaíba who participated in the Second World War
Photo: DAll-e

Discover the Brazilian Navy battleship that is still active today. All the details of the Ship Parnaíba, which fought against the Germans in the Second World War.

For many people, the information that, during Second World WarThat more sailors lost their lives off the Brazilian coast than the heroic soldiers of the Brazilian Expeditionary Force (FEB) in Italy may be surprising. It is in this context that the debut of the epic Monitor Parnaíba appears, affectionately nicknamed “Jaú do Pantanal” and “Caverna Mestra da Armada” – the oldest warship in activity in the Brazilian Navy.

O Ship Paranaíba is 86 years old and is a monitor class warship, which aims to support naval patrols and operations. According to data, the US has some older ships from World War II, but none are in service anymore. The oldest active US ship, the USS Bluee Ridge, was commissioned in 1970. All have become museum ships and serve as heritage sites.

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Monitor Ship Parnaíba – U 17 is one of the oldest in activity in the Brazilian Navy

The Russians have a much older ship in operation, the Russian ship Kommuna, having been released for the first time during the reign of Tsar Nicholas II in 1913 under the name Volkhov. However, she is a rescue ship and not armed.

Despite being part of the Russian Navy, the Kommuna is a civilian ship, specialized in preparing divers and underwater searches, unlike the ship Parnaíba, which remains a warship to this day. The Monitor Ship Parnaíba – U 17 from the Second World War, bears its name in honor of this river in Piauí.

Ship Parnaíba defended the Brazilian coast in World War II

The ship was built by Cobras Island Navy Arsenal, today AMRJ. Brazilian production, different from many in the Brazilian Navy. Its keel was laid on June 11, 1936 by the then President of the Republic Getúlio Vargas, it was launched into the sea and baptized on November 6, 1937, with the First Lady, Mrs. Darcy Sarmanho Vargas, as godmother.

Monitor Ship Parnaíba – U 17 from the Second World War

The Second World War ship Parnaíba was developed for riverine operations and still operates today in the river waters of Ladário, Mato Grosso do Sul, since its incorporation into the Mato Grosso Flotilla on March 4, 1938. This year it had already suffered a fire in its boiler square.

Incredibly, it operated on hundreds of missions during the Second World War with a steam engine, until its modification to a diesel engine in 1999. The Parnaíba was called up to fight in the Second World War and would have to launch into the sea, contrary to its nature. river.

It went through its first trial by fire when German submarines invaded the Brazilian coast and were bombing Brazilian Navy vessels and hit around 33, some of which sank, killing hundreds of Brazilian sailors. 

Updates made to the Brazilian Navy warship

The main modifications made to the Warship were the replacement of the heavy 152mm cannon with a 120mm gun similar to that of the Paraguassu, more suitable for engaging an enemy submarine on the surface and with more abundant ammunition. The two 47mm cannons next to the bridge were maintained, but the 87mm mortars on the stern were replaced by two 20mm anti-aircraft machine guns.

Another four were installed on a platform built in the area above the ship's bridge. Finally, the Second World War ship Parnaíba was equipped with gutters for depth bombs at the stern, modifications that the Paraguassu also underwent.

Currently, the ship Parnaíba is participating in some new mission by the Brazilian Navy in the silent waters of the Pantanal in favor of the border security of our homeland. It still does just as it did when facing ferocious German and Italian sharks in World War II.

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