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Nestlé invites candidates with and without experience for vacancies in RJ, MG, SP and other regions of Brazil

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 24/03/2021 às 13:33
vacancies nestle
Nestlé factory vacancies - Source: Google Reproduction

Elected nineteen times in a row in the “Company of Dreams” ranking, Nestlé hires candidates with and without experience for primary, secondary and higher level positions

More than two thousand job openings for candidates with and without experience in Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, São Paulo and other states in Brazil opened by Nestlé, the largest food and beverage company in the world and elected nineteen times in a row in the “Empresa of Dreams". The vacancies aim to hire candidates from primary, secondary and higher education for various areas in the company. There are also opportunities for those looking for their first job and PCD's professionals. Check out the positions below and how to apply.

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Nestlé, the world's largest food and beverage company, which contains more than 2.000 brands, from global icons to local favourites, and is present in 187 countries around the world.

At Nestlé, we are constantly exploring and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with food, drink and nutritional health solutions to improve quality of life and contribute to a healthier future.

ATTENTION! Click Petróleo e Gás is not responsible for the applications, the selection process for the trainee vacancies posted below are external and may expire at any time by Nestlé

See below the main job openings at Nestlé

  • Executive Sales
  • manufacturing assistant
  • Apprentice
  • Accounting Specialist - Tax
  • Storekeeper I
  • Forklift Operator
  • JR Accounting Analyst - Treasury
  • JR Accounts Payable Analyst - Freight
  • JR Customer Service Assistant - Remote
  • Qual Fabrication Assistant III
  • Tax Intern
  • Assistant
  • JR Accounts Receivable Assistant - Temporary
  • Machine operator
  • JR Engineer
  • JR Maintenance Mechanic
  • Administrative Apprentice
  • intern
  • Merchandising Leader
  • Child Nutrition Representative Jr.
  • HR Business Partner
  • Jr Purchasing Analyst
  • Quality manager
  • Storekeeper
  • Forklift Operator
  • Manufacturing Operator
  • JR Clinical Nutrition Representative - Deadline 7 months

Registrations for Nestlé job openings

Check out and apply for these and many other jobs, internships and apprenticeships at Nestlé, directly on the company's website.

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Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a postgraduate engineer with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses. Contact flaviacamil@gmail.com for suggestions, job openings or advertising on our website. Do not send your resume, we are not hiring!

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