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New vacancies at Mining, at the Porto de Itaguaí unit, in Rio de Janeiro, are offered by CSN for mechanics, welders, port service operators, vulcanizers and electricians

Written by Roberta Souza
Published 18/11/2022 às 17:36
port of itaguaí, mining, rio de janeiro
Photo: Reproduction pixabay.com

Professionals in the areas of mechanics, welding, electricity, vulcanization and operators are invited to be part of the team of the leading mining company in the Port of Itaguaí

CSN, a company ranked first in the world in the mining list, is offering job openings to candidates looking for opportunities in Rio de Janeiro. Opportunities are to work in the Port of Itaguaí.

About CSN

CSN Mineração SA is the second largest exporter of iron ore in the country and is among the five most competitive in the transoceanic market. With more than 3 billion tons of certified reserves according to the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC), the company owns the Casa de Pedra and Engenho mines, the Pires beneficiation complex, participation in the MRS railroad and a captive terminal for export. of iron ore in Port of Itaguai.

CSN operates throughout the steel production chain, from iron ore extraction to the production and sale of a diversified line of steel products, including flat, coated, galvanized, pre-painted steel, metallic sheets and long steel (rebar and wire rod).


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Job vacancies offered by CSN in the Port of Itaguaí

The vacancies being offered by CSN in the Port of Itaguaí are for:

  • Mechanic;
  • Welder;
  • Vulcanizer;
  • Operator;
  • Electrician;

How to apply for CSN mining vacancies

Candidates interested in jobs from CSN, in the Port of Itaguaí, should send their resume to the email recruitmentcsnitaguai@csn.com.br Putting the position you are applying for in the subject.

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Roberta Souza

Petroleum Engineer, postgraduate in Commissioning of Industrial Units, specialist in Industrial Corrosion. Get in touch to suggest an agenda, advertise job vacancies or advertise on our portal. We do not receive resumes

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