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Novelis inaugurates the largest aluminum lamination and recycling plant in South America and promises to generate hundreds of new opportunities this year

Written by Valdemar Medeiros
Published 13/08/2021 às 12:53
Novelis - factory - South America - opportunities - aluminum
Novelis Factory - Credits: pt-br.novelis

Novelis inaugurated this Thursday (12) the expansion of its aluminum lamination and recycling plant, the largest in South America, the investment promises to generate several opportunities

Novelis, world leader in aluminum laminates and recycling, delivered this Thursday (12), the expansion of its aluminum sheet factory, located in Pindamonhangaba (SP), which is now considered the largest in Latin America and promises to generate several job opportunities later this year.

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With an investment of R$750 million, the largest recycling and aluminum plant in South America will reach an annual recycling capacity of 490 thousand tons. Not only that, the factory will also have a capacity of 680 thousand tons in the production of aluminum, generating several job opportunities in this field.

According to Novelis President and CEO Steve Fisher, recycling and increasing the use of recycled materials is the cornerstone of Novelis' sustainable journey. According to the executive, the company will continue to identify and invest in projects like this expansion in Brazil and reinforce the company's circular economy model.

Find out what changed after the expansion of the aluminum lamination and recycling plant

The project started in November 2018, and included improvements in recycling, remelting, hot rolling, plate preparation, finishing and logistics. The expansion added a built area of ​​220 m² to the largest factory in South America and also intends to expand its production with the generation of several opportunities, mainly for the beverage can sector.

For the president of Novelis South America, Francisco Pires, the factory expansion project was designed to meet the high demand for aluminum and also to ensure sustainable growth for customers and the company.

Therefore, investment was not only made in increasing rolling capacity, but also in aluminum recycling capacity and alternatives for water supply.

Railway terminal

In 2020, the company inaugurated the railway terminal, which is responsible for transporting 25% of cargo inbound e outbound. Novelis also purchased an additional area of ​​30 thousand square meters already planning future opportunities.

This is the company's second major investment in this decade, in the Pindamonhangaba factory. During the construction phase, the works generated around 2.500 job opportunities, most of which were filled by professionals from the region. Through expansion, the largest factory in South America promises to generate new opportunities for 90 professionals, both from Novelis and from partner companies.

Find out more about Novelis

Operating a network of advanced laminating and recycling technology facilities in South America, North America, Europe and Asia, Novelis leverages its worldwide manufacturing and recycling presence to deliver high quality products around the world.

The company takes sustainability as a fundamental foundation for its operations and also in the way of joining forces from all parties in the aluminum value chain. Novelis foresees great opportunities in the future to continue the expansion of lightweight and recyclable aluminum helping its customers to be more sustainable.  

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Valdemar Medeiros

Journalist in training, specialist in creating content with a focus on SEO actions. Writes about the Automotive Industry, Renewable Energy and Science and Technology

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