Jobs Have you ever thought about working for a multinational company? TechnipFMC has vacancies open for Engineers, Nautical Officers, Coordinators, Scientists and other professionals with technical and higher education to work in the oil and gas sector. Ruth Rodrigues 09/09/2024 às 15:15
Jobs Work from home and with a formal contract at Boticário! The company has more than 30 open home office positions with attractive salaries + benefits for professionals with higher education Ruth Rodrigues 09/09/2024 às 11:15
Jobs Have you ever thought about working at OEC? The company offers vacancies for candidates with and without experience at secondary and higher education levels Ruth Rodrigues 07/09/2024 às 21:07
Public and Federal Tenders Dataprev is offering over 2 vacancies with salaries of up to R$9 + R$1.165,20 in food vouchers + R$1.586,71 in preschool assistance! Open competition for candidates with technical and higher education qualifications Ruth Rodrigues 07/09/2024 às 19:47
Jobs How about working at White Martins? Multinational company offers job openings for mid-level and senior professionals in positions such as Technician, Driver, Operator and more Ruth Rodrigues 07/09/2024 às 17:55
Jobs Have you ever thought about working at Bradesco? More than 200 vacancies open for those who dream of earning a good living working in a bank Ruth Rodrigues 07/09/2024 às 09:24
Solar energy Brilliant Opportunities in the Solar Energy Market Post-ANEEL Resolution: New Investments and Challenges Overcome Corporate 05/09/2024 às 11:18
Jobs How about working at Andrade Gutierrez? The company has job openings for Assistants, Drivers, Masons, Painters and other professionals with intermediate, technical and higher education levels. Ruth Rodrigues 05/09/2024 às 08:27
Jobs Vacancies open for Mechanics, Operators, Technicians, Machinists and other mid- and high-level professionals at VLI Logística Ruth Rodrigues 04/09/2024 às 13:17
Jobs Want to work at Siemens? German multinational opens selection process with dozens of vacancies for Brazilians with intermediate and higher education in positions such as Assistant, Technician, Engineer, Manager and more! Ruth Rodrigues 04/09/2024 às 11:53
Jobs Jadlog Logística is opening new vacancies and is looking for Assistants, Managers, Analysts and several other professionals at elementary, middle and higher levels to join its team. Ruth Rodrigues 03/09/2024 às 17:07
Jobs Grupo Boticário offers more than 100 home office and in-person vacancies for Assistants, Checkers, Engineers, Operators, Assistants, Analysts and other mid-level and senior positions! Ruth Rodrigues 02/09/2024 às 13:53