Home Reinforcement in education: students receive computers donated through the Thermoelectric in Schools project

Reinforcement in education: students receive computers donated through the Thermoelectric in Schools project

5 from 2022 to 12 at 54: XNUMX
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The Thermoelectric in Schools project promotes classes and lectures in four modules | Image: disclosure

The thermoelectric EDF Norte Fluminense donated dozens of equipment that will reinforce teaching in four schools and other partner entities of the project

The Thermoelectric Project in Schools is a partnership between professors specializing in electric power generation and entrepreneurs in the sector, with the aim of promoting information and training for public school students in Rio de Janeiro on power generation in Brazil. And this initiative has achieved not only these objectives, but also generated good results for education as a whole.

The Thermoelectric EDF Norte Fluminense, located in the municipality of Macaé, donated 38 computers to schools and social entities indicated by the project. The schools benefited are: CE Vanilde Natalino, CE Telio Barreto, CERachel Reid, CE Tomás Gomes, in addition to the Instituto Federal Fluminense de Campos in Guarus and the Inovar e Aprendiz Project.

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The director of the Télio Barreto school, Ana Cristina, celebrated the donation of computers and said that the equipment will reinforce the day-to-day activities of the unit. “The computers arrived at a good time and will help a lot at school. Education is grateful”, comments the manager. The unit has students participating in the project every Saturday from 8 am to noon.

The Thermoelectric in Schools project promotes classes and lectures in four modules, with distribution of handouts, in addition to videos that contribute to the classes, technical visits, so that students have an immersive experience about energy generation in Brazil.

In a note sent to the portal's reporter Click Oil and Gas, EDF Norte Fluminense, which has a thermoelectric plant in operation since 2004 in Macaé, said that it has always sought to contribute far beyond the energy generated, stimulating the development of the communities surrounding its asset through socio-cultural and environmental initiatives.

Teachers from the Télio Barreto school and coordinators of the Thermoelectric in Schools project

The dream of making the project grow even more

Upon completion of the modules, students are submitted to a test on citizenship and other subjects related to electricity covered in classes. Young people even create a project on alternative electrical energy, thus encouraging them to understand the concept of clean energy and its importance for a sustainable society.

One of those Responsible for Thermoelectric in Schools, Pedro Costa, said that the project is growing. “We are very happy with the results. We invite businessmen to support and sponsor the project that, in addition to Macaé, goes to Carapebus and Campos dos Goytacazes in 2023, where the first public lighting service in South America took place, carried out by Dom Pedro II. At that time, electricity was generated by steam from wood-fired boilers.

“Our main objective is to reach students from state schools in the 92 municipalities of the state of Rio de Janeiro. And we're going to succeed, because the project entices students to discover the universe of electricity through teachers, videos, handouts, technical visits and, soon, an unprecedented video game project that we are implementing”, says Costa with great enthusiasm.

Those responsible for the Thermoelectric project in schools thank the partnerships of the companies AGR Instrumentações, José Rodrigues School, Tesalab Laboratory, Fox Trainings, New Bike, and Portal Click Oil and Gas, which has been helping to publicize this wonderful initiative.

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