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Curriculum vitae and work card in hand to compete for a job vacancy campaign Saturday (18/09); no experience needed to work on board

Written by Flavia Marinho
Published 15/09/2021 às 15:03
work card - resume - employment - macaé - RJ
offshore vacancies - working on board / Google Image

The job openings for working on board in Macaé are fully updated. Sending a resume directly to the company's headquarters; take work card

Do you want to work on board but don't have experience? Rip Kaefer, a company based in Macaé and with more than 30 years of history, specializing in various offshore services, such as maintenance, interior finishing, crane operation and cargo handling, has job vacancies for candidates from different areas who have or no experience. Check below how to apply for offshore vacancies, but for this, the company asks you to have your resume, work portfolio, diplomas and certificates!

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Since 2014, Rip has been part of the KAEFER group. Headquartered in Bremen, northern Germany, KAEFER stands out as a world leader in providing integrated services and specialist solutions in Insulation, Access, Surface Protection, Passive Fire Protection and Interior Finishing. Present worldwide with a current workforce of 28.000 employees.

Announcement from RIP's Human Resources sector

“Next Saturday, the 18/09/2021th, we will have a task force of RIP vacancies! (...). It is very important to bring your resume, work portfolio, diplomas and certificates!”, said the company's HR professional, this morning (15/09).

See below the positions called for offshore vacancies in Macaé

Job vacancies for those with offshore experience:

  • Maintenance and Operation Electrician
  • Instrumentalist
  • Maintenance and Operation Mechanic
  • Turner Mechanic
  • Maintenance planner

Job vacancies for those who DO NOT have offshore experience:

  • Team Supervisor
  • crane instrumentalist
  • Climber instrumentalist
  • Escalator Maintenance Supervisor
  • Maintenance and Inst. Climber.

Requirements: the company does not go into details, it only asks that interested parties bring a resume, work card, diplomas and certificates.

Curriculum Registration: the company will be serving in person, next Saturday (18/09), from 08:00 am to 16:00 pm, candidates who appear at the office located on Av. Pref. Aristeu Ferreira da Silva, 2133 – Granja dos Cavaleiros in Macaé. Take advantage and register your CV by sending an email to recruitmentrip.macae@kaefer.com. Good luck!

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Offshore job openings – Macaé

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Flavia Marinho

Flavia Marinho is a postgraduate engineer with extensive experience in the onshore and offshore shipbuilding industry. In recent years, she has dedicated herself to writing articles for news websites in the areas of industry, oil and gas, energy, shipbuilding, geopolitics, jobs and courses. Contact flaviacamil@gmail.com for suggestions, job openings or advertising on our website. Do not send your resume, we are not hiring!

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